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Managing Projects with GNU Make (Nutshell Handbooks)
Managing Projects with GNU Make (Nutshell Handbooks)

Managing Projects with GNU make, 3rd Edition provides guidelines on meeting the needs of large, modern projects. This edition focuses on the GNU version of make, which has deservedly become the industry standard. GNU's powerful extensions are explored in this book, including a number of interesting advanced topics such as portability,...

C# Network Programming
C# Network Programming
On its own, C# simplifies network programming. Combine it with the precise instruction found in C# Network Programming, and you’ll find that building network applications is easier and quicker than ever.

This book helps newcomers get started with a look at the basics of network programming as they relate to C#, including the...

System Performance Tuning, 2nd Edition (System Administration)
System Performance Tuning, 2nd Edition (System Administration)
System Performance Tuning answers one of the most fundamental questions you can ask about your computer: How can I get it to do more work without buying more hardware? In the current economic downturn, performance tuning takes on a new importance. It allows system administrators to make the best use of existing systems and minimize the purchase of...
A Practical Guide to UNIX® for Mac OS® X Users
A Practical Guide to UNIX® for Mac OS® X Users
The Most Useful UNIX Guide for Mac OS X Users Ever, with Hundreds of High-Quality Examples!

Beneath Mac OS® X’s stunning graphical user interface (GUI) is the most powerful operating system ever created: UNIX®. With unmatched clarity and...

Six Sigma--The First 90 Days
Six Sigma--The First 90 Days
The new Six Sigma has had no less than a dazzling debut, starting in late 1994 with AlliedSignal. Originated in 1987 at Motorola, Six Sigma was adopted by very few companies, though it was not taken very seriously. Only after AlliedSignal (now known as Honeywell) demonstrated Six Sigma's effectiveness in redefining a company, achieving dramatic...
Regular Expression Pocket Reference
Regular Expression Pocket Reference
Ideal as an introduction for beginners and a quick reference for advanced programmers, Regular Expression Pocket Reference is a comprehensive guide to regular expression APIs for C, Perl, PHP, Java, .NET, Python, vi, and the POSIX regular expression libraries. This handy book offers programmers a complete overview...
Upgrading to PHP 5
Upgrading to PHP 5
This new book is targeted toward PHP developers who are already familiar with PHP 4. Upgrading to PHP 5 offers a concise appraisal of the differences between PHP 4 and PHP 5, a detailed look at what's new in this latest version, and an explanation of how these changes affect you. The book also covers more advanced...
Roxio Easy Media Creator 8 in a Snap (Sams Teach Yourself)
Roxio Easy Media Creator 8 in a Snap (Sams Teach Yourself)

Spend less of your valuable time reading and more time doing! Roxio Easy Media Creator in a Snap is designed specifically for today's busy digital media enthusiast like you.

Organized into a series of well-organized, bite-sized, quickly accomplished tasks, this book lets...

Introduction to Management Science, Ninth Edition
Introduction to Management Science, Ninth Edition
The objective of management science is to solve the decision-making problems that confront and confound managers in both the public and the private sector by developing mathematical models of those problems. These models have traditionally been solved with various mathematical techniques, all of which lend themselves to specific types of problems....
Mastering the Requirements Process (2nd Edition)
Mastering the Requirements Process (2nd Edition)
It is widely recognized that incorrect requirements account for up to 60 percent of errors in software products, and yet the majority of software development organizations do not have a formal requirements process. Many organizations appear willing to spend huge amounts on fixing and altering poorly specified software, but seem unwilling to invest...
Return on Software : Maximizing the Return on Your Software Investment
Return on Software : Maximizing the Return on Your Software Investment

Is your organization maximizing the return on its investments of money, time, and personnel? Probably not, because most software professionals don't know how to consider the business aspects of their software decisions. Most don't even know that it's important to do so. Business consequences should play a critical role in all...

Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Kick Start
Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Kick Start

Welcome to C#, today's premiere programming language for the .NET platform, and the most exciting one. We're going to push the C# envelope in this book, working from the ground floor up through the advanced levels. This book has been designed to open up C# and make it more accessible than any other book can.

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