This book exclusively surveys the active on-going research of the current maturity of fuzzy logic over the last four decades. Many world leaders of fuzzy logic have enthusiastically contributed their best research results into five theoretical, philosophical and fundamental sub areas and nine distinctive applications, including two PhD...
In this book the consequent use of probability theory is proposed for handling uncertainty in expert systems. It is shown that methods violating this suggestion may have dangerous consequences (e.g., the Dempster-Shafer rule and the method used in MYCIN). The necessity of some requirements for a correct combining of uncertain information in...
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 is a sophisticated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with a multitude of features and options. Microsoft Dynamics GP enables you to create and manage a variety of reports that help small and mid-size businesses effectively manage their financial and operational data.
Data replication is an important part of any database system that is growing due to today's demand for real-time reporting and regulatory requirements. GoldenGate has recently become Oracle's strategic real-time data replication solution. Until now, very little has been written about how to implement GoldenGate in a production...
Updated and expanded, Bayesian Artificial Intelligence, Second Edition provides a practical and accessible introduction to the main concepts, foundation, and applications of Bayesian networks. It focuses on both the causal discovery of networks and Bayesian inference procedures. Adopting a causal interpretation of Bayesian...
The 2004 IFIP International Conference on Intelligence in Communication Systems (INTELLCOMM 2004), held in Bangkok, Thailand, 23–26 November 2004, was the successor and an expansion of SMARTNET, a series of annual conferences on intelligence in networks held during 1995–2003 under the auspices of IFIP TC6’s Working Group...
Genetic algorithms are founded upon the principle of evolution, i.e., survival of the fittest. Hence evolution programming techniques, based on genetic algorithms, are applicable to many hard optimization problems, such as optimization of functions with linear and nonlinear constraints, the traveling salesman problem, and problems of...
Within the last few years, data warehousing and knowledge discovery technology has established itself as a key technology for enterprises that wish to improve the quality of the results obtained from data analysis, decision support, and the automatic extraction of knowledge from data.
This treatise investigates a number of problems related to treewidth and pathwidth of graphs. The main objective is to obtain good bounds on the complexity of determining the treewidth and pathwidth for various classes of graphs.
Originating from the author's Ph.D. thesis, this monograph presents original own work....
This book has provided me with the information to jump right into creating web applications with Visual Basic. It is an excellent training guide and at the same time, it provides real-world examples that can be reused in multiple projects and applications. (A developer's comment on the previous edition of Murach's ASP.NET, posted...
The area of Neural computing that we shall discuss in this book represents a combination of techniques of classical optimization, statistics, and information theory. Neural network was once widely called artificial neural networks, which represented how the emerging technology was related to artificial intelligence. It once was a topic that...
Webmin is a web-based graphical UNIX system administration tool written by Jamie Cameron in the Perl programming language that is designed to be lightweight, functional, and easily extensible. Webmin has been translated to over 20 languages and dialects at the time of this writing, and it has been embraced by a number of...