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Linux in a Nutshell, Fourth Edition
Linux in a Nutshell, Fourth Edition
Comprehensive but concise, Linux in a Nutshell is an essential desktop reference for the commands that users of Linux utilize every day. It covers all substantial user, programming, administration, and networking commands for the most common Linux distributions. It's several quick references rolled into one:...
Network Security Illustrated
Network Security Illustrated
Organized around common business problems instead of technology, this easily navigable, illustrated reference will help you:

1. Understand major security concepts and solutions
2. Identify limitations and risks in security strategies
3. Select and implement solutions that are right for your needs
Software Engineering for Game Developers (Software Engineering Series)
Software Engineering for Game Developers (Software Engineering Series)
This book is about how a small team of developers can build a computer game using
practices that are fostered by software engineering. It takes you through the major
phases of the software engineering lifecycle and introduces you to the subjects
named in the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK). The development...
You may not know much about the Domain Name System − yet − but whenever you use the Internet, you
use DNS. Every time you send electronic mail or surf the World Wide Web, you rely on the Domain Name

You see, while you, as a human being, prefer to remember the names of computers, computers like to address...
Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2005 (Programmer to Programmer)
Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2005 (Programmer to Programmer)
You'll learn the essentials of Visual C++ 2005 and get a thorough introduction to the techniques used for accessing data sources in both Microsoft® Foundation Classes and Windows® Forms applications. Plus, the exercises included at the end of most chapters will help you apply what you've learned as you make your way to becoming an effective...
How Professionals Make Decisions (Expertise: Research and Applications)
How Professionals Make Decisions (Expertise: Research and Applications)
The essays in this collection are the product of the 2000 Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM) Conference. They attempt to discover progress made in the field since the first volume was published in 1993. Individual paper address topics such as planning under time pressure, managing complex dynamic systems and making ethical decisions.
Investigating Child Exploitation: The Internet, Law and Forensic Science
Investigating Child Exploitation: The Internet, Law and Forensic Science
This work is the culmination of many years of study and work. During my undergraduate
and graduate work, my primary research interests revolved around
domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and child exploitation. Feminism,
the Constitution, freedom of expression and privacy, politics, and the
dynamics of power are
Radar Signals
Radar Signals
A text and general reference on the design and analysis of radar signals

As radar technology evolves to encompass a growing spectrum of applications in military, aerospace, automotive, and other sectors, innovations in digital signal processing have risen to meet the demand. Presenting a long overdue, up-to-date, dedicated resource on radar...

Professional SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
Professional SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
SQL Server reporting Services is the customizable reporting solution for report designers and programmers. This hands-on guide will get you up to speed quickly so you can design, deploy, manage, and even customize reporting solutions. You can create powerful reports without programming knowledge and extend reporting solutions using VB, C#, and...
Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide
Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide
Here's the book you need to prepare for the Java 2 Programmer (SCJP) and Developer (SCJD) exams. This Study Guide was developed to meet the exacting requirements of today's certification candidates. In addition to the consistent and accessible instructional approach that has earned Sybex the reputation as the leading publisher for...
C++ Unleashed
C++ Unleashed
C++ Unleashed is a survey of advanced topics in C++. The goal of this book is to provide
a focused examination of each of these topics, covering the essential information
you need to fully exploit the power of the C++ language.

Many of the topics in this book deserve a book in their own right. Because it is not possible,...
Building Oracle XML Applications
Building Oracle XML Applications
Building Oracle XML Applications gives Java and PL/SQL developers a
rich and detailed look at the many tools Oracle provides to support XML
development. It shows how to combine the power of XML and XSLT with
the speed, functionality, and reliability of the Oracle database. The
author delivers nearly 800 pages of entertaining
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