 The Google Phone Pocket Guide
When asked whether I’d be interested in writing a book about the
Google phone, I immediately jumped at the offer. Although I’ve been
a dyed-in-the-wool iPhone user since June 2007 (the day it came out),
the Google phone has piqued my interest from the fi rst day that I heard
about it. Since the early rumors of a Google... |  |  |  |  My iPad
Covers iPad Wi-Fi and 3G
instructions with callouts to iPad photos that show you exactly what to do.
... |
 100% Photoshop: Create stunning artwork without using any photographs
Photoshop is the world’s best-known, best-loved and just downright best photographic
manipulation application. It’s used by retouchers, fine artists, graphic designers,
photographers, and everyone who works with images in any form.
But there’s another side to Photoshop. In my work as an illustrator for... |  |  |  |  Photoshop CS3 Essential Skills (Photography Essential Skills)
Brimming with beautiful pictures, this successful book guides you through a project-based, progressive curriculum so that you can build all the essential skills to enhance photographs creatively and professionally with Photoshop CS3. If you are an aspiring professional, enthusiastic amateur photographer, or a student learning photography,... |
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