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Professional Palm OS Programming (Wrox Professional Guides)
Professional Palm OS Programming (Wrox Professional Guides)
Palm OS has defined the standard for handheld and mobile devices for nearly a decade, thanks to its convenience, power, and ease of use. As the popularity of these devices continues to grow, so does the demand for programmers to build original applications. This book guides both aspiring and experienced programmers through the ins and outs of...
Professional LAMP : Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP Web Development
Professional LAMP : Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP Web Development
The amazing combination of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP) enjoys increasing popularity because of the interaction, flexibility, customization, and cost effectiveness of its components. In turn, LAMP has proven to be one of the fastest-growing ways to develop enterprise-level web applications. As the first book to address the LAMP module in...
Focal Easy Guide to Flash MX 2004 : For new users and professionals
Focal Easy Guide to Flash MX 2004 : For new users and professionals
Confused by ActionScript? Want to get to grips with creating interactive graphics and animation in Flash quickly? Whether you are a new user or a professional illustrator, designer or animator experienced in other animation and effects packages, this highly visual, color book will be all you need to get you up and running with the latest powerful...
Internet Firewalls and Network Security
Internet Firewalls and Network Security
administrators and interested users who realize the risks involved in connecting a computer
system to the Internet.

In days of old, brick walls were built between buildings in apartment complexes so that
if a fire broke out, it would not spread
Practical Genetic Algorithms
Practical Genetic Algorithms

"The first introductory-level book to emphasize practical applications through the use of example problems."
–– International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2002, on the first edition

The use of genetic algorithms (GAs) to solve large and often complex computational problems has given rise...

Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Catch on quickly even if you're a novice programmer

Use cool VB Express tools to design databases and Windows® applications

If you just want to begin programming, not create a new deep space probe, this book is the place to start. VB Express was developed for novices, and this book explains the language in a language you'll...

Network Troubleshooting Tools (O'Reilly System Administration)
Network Troubleshooting Tools (O'Reilly System Administration)
Network Troubleshooting Tools helps you sort through the thousands of tools that
have been developed for debugging TCP/IP networks and choose the ones that are
best for your needs. It also shows you how to approach network troubleshooting using
these tools, how to document your network so you know how it behaves under normal...
Programming Java 2 Micro Edition for Symbian OS : A developer's guide to MIDP 2.0 (Symbian Press)
Programming Java 2 Micro Edition for Symbian OS : A developer's guide to MIDP 2.0 (Symbian Press)
In 2001, Symbian’s first book devoted to Java on Symbian OS was
published. Jonathan Allin’s Wireless Java for Symbian Devices (WJSD)
provided an in-depth exposition targeted at programming PersonalJava
on Symbian OS. The embedded Java story has moved on a lot in two
years and so has Symbian’s implementation, so
AutoCAD 2005 For Dummies
AutoCAD 2005 For Dummies
Use sheet sets, collaborate nicely, and go LT for 2005

Find out how to use DWF, live up to new standards, and share files online

AutoCAD can be complicated, but this book isn’t! Here’s where you’ll discover how to set up a drawing, toe the lines, add dimension and text, share your stuff, and more, in AutoCAD or...

Java Network Programming (Java Series)
Java Network Programming (Java Series)
This complete guide to developing network programs (both applets and applications) using Java covers everything from networking fundamentals to remote method invocation (RMI). It includes chapters on TCP and UDP sockets, multicasting protocol and content handlers, and servlets. This second edition also covers Java 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3, with new...
Windows Server 2003: The Complete Reference
Windows Server 2003: The Complete Reference

Master new features for a more secure, easier to manage, network

The Most Comprehensive Windows Server 2003 Resource Available!

Examine the architecture and understand the features of Windows Server 2003 with help from this thorough resource. Written by respected author Kathy Ivens, Windows Server 2003: The Complete...

PC Upgrade and Repair Bible
PC Upgrade and Repair Bible
If PC experts can do it, you can do it too...

Today’s PCs with the new generation of Windows® are terrific tools. But like all tools, they require maintenance and sometimes need fixing. This convenient reference makes it easy to keep your PC in top condition. It covers everything from choosing a computer and monitor to upgrading...

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