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The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, Second Edition
The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, Second Edition
What are projects, and why are so many businesses reorganizing
to include them? Why has project management
become such a popular career track? In Part 1 of this book,
you will find answers to these questions and more.

Because projects differ from the ongoing operations of a
firm, managing them presents a new set of
Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications
Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications
Your in-depth guide to designing and developing secure PHP applications

It’s a hacker’s dream come true: over one million Web sites are now vulnerable to attack through recently discovered flaws in the PHP scripting language. So how do you protect your site? In this book, bestselling author Mohammed Kabir provides all the tools...

Practical Firewalls
Practical Firewalls
Practical Firewalls enables you to get a thorough understanding of all of the basic concepts involved in creating and maintaining a firewall. Aimed at beginning to intermediate network administrators, this book presents information in a manner so that you do not need a large background in the networking field. It provides "real world"...
UML Weekend Crash Course
UML Weekend Crash Course
Get Up to Speed on UML – in a Weekend!

The big day is Monday. The day you get to show off what you know about the Unified Modeling Language. The problem is, you’re not really up to speed. Maybe it’s been a while since you worked with UML. Or maybe you just like a challenge. In any event, we’ve got a solution for you...

Project Management Process Improvement (Artech House Effective Project Management Series)
Project Management Process Improvement (Artech House Effective Project Management Series)
Regardless of the extent of your efforts to design and deploy an exemplary project management process, the realities always seem to fall far short of your expectations. Project managers and their teams do not use the processes you worked so hard to get accepted and approved. Some use the processes sporadically. Others modify them to suit their own...
Blocking Spam and Spyware For Dummies
Blocking Spam and Spyware For Dummies
Blocking Spam & Spyware For Dummies is a reference. That means you're not expected to read it, starting with Chapter 1 and eagerly turning pages late into the night until you reach the exciting conclusion. In fact, let us tell you the end right now: The butler did it - that is, if the butler is an annoying spammer in his spare time, running the...
Distributed Network Systems : From Concepts to Implementations (Network Theory and Applications)
Distributed Network Systems : From Concepts to Implementations (Network Theory and Applications)
Both authors have taught the course of “Distributed Systems” for many years in the
respective schools. During the teaching, we feel strongly that “Distributed systems”
have evolved from traditional “LAN” based distributed systems towards “Internet
based” systems. Although there exist
Show Me Microsoft Project 2003
Show Me Microsoft Project 2003

Welcome to Show Me Microsoft Office Project 2003, a visual quick reference book that shows you how to work efficiently with Project 2003. This book provides complete coverage of basic and intermediate Project 2003 skills.

This book covers the...

Global IT Outsourcing : Software Development across Borders
Global IT Outsourcing : Software Development across Borders

This book offers key insights into how to manage software development across international boundaries. It is based on a series of case studies looking at the relationships between firms from North America, the UK, Japan and Korea with Indian software houses. In these case studies, which have typically been compiled over a 3-4-year timespan, the...

.Mac : Visual QuickStart Guide
.Mac : Visual QuickStart Guide
If you've signed up for Apple's $99 .Mac service, you're in good company--over 500,000 users have signed up for this terrific collection of online services and software. But if you don't have a lot of time to learn all of .Mac's features, this slim, task-based volume will show you just what you need to get started. This book leads you along the...
Understanding Open Source and Free Software Licensing
Understanding Open Source and Free Software Licensing
Licensing is a major part of what open source and free software are all about, but it's still one of the most complicated areas of law. Understanding Open Source and Free Software Licensing explains your licensing options, how they compare and interoperate, and how license choices affect project possibilities....
Managing Your Personal Finances with Quicken : Visual QuickProject Guide
Managing Your Personal Finances with Quicken : Visual QuickProject Guide

The Visual QuickProject Guide that you hold in your hands offers a unique way to learn about new technologies. Instead of drowning you in theoretical possibilities and lengthy explanations, this Visual QuickProject Guide uses big, color illustrations coupled...

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