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Apache Geronimo: Enterprise Java Development and Deployment
Apache Geronimo: Enterprise Java Development and Deployment

Geronimo is a free, open source J2EE™ application server. It comes with everything you need to run standard J2EE applications developed against the J2EE 1.4 specifications, and it is also backward-compatible to J2EE 1.3 and J2EE 1.2. Furthermore, its modular design makes it easy to customize, extend, or replace core server...

Windows Phone 7 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Windows Phone 7 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

You have just bought your new Windows Phone 7 device and would like to start developing applications. You need to know the device’s hardware characteristics such as screen resolution and memory capability—but also which sensors and services it provides. Finally, you need to understand what the Windows Phone 7 operating system...

Auditing Social Media: A Governance and Risk Guide
Auditing Social Media: A Governance and Risk Guide

As I look back on my career at Microsoft, I feel fortunate to have had a front-row seat to witness an incredible shift in how people and organizations communicate and interact. I started at Microsoft in October 1994—about a year after America Online released AOL 1.0 for Windows. As early adopters of social media,...

Starting an eBay Business For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)
Starting an eBay Business For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)

You’re here! You’ve made it! Welcome to the fourth edition of the best-selling book on eBay business: Starting an eBay Business For Dummies. This is the book you need to make that leap from casual seller to online mogul. You’ve probably been on eBay for a while and have seen that there really is a huge opportunity...

Ruby Programming
Ruby Programming

Ruby is an object-oriented, interpreted programming language. It is object-oriented in that it views (and interacts with) everything as an object. Ruby is interpreted in that its programs are compiled and executed by an interpreter at runtime. Th is allows you to make changes to your Ruby programs and then immediately run the programs...

Optimization Based Data Mining: Theory and Applications (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
Optimization Based Data Mining: Theory and Applications (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)

The purpose of this book is to provide up-to-date progress both in Multiple Criteria Programming (MCP) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs) that have become powerful tools in the field of data mining. Most of the content in this book are directly from the research and application activities that our research group has conducted over the...

CSS for Print Designers
CSS for Print Designers

Print designers work in images, shapes, and color: not code. The last thing many of them want to do is to translate their work into mono-spaced tags and numbers, divs and ids. But print designers can't ignore the web and producing a design for the web has become a common part of a complete graphics package. And,...

Android Apps for Absolute Beginners
Android Apps for Absolute Beginners

Over the last two years, Google’s Android operating system (OS) has gone from a virtually unknown open source solution to the current mobile OS market leader among all mobile handsets, with over one-third of the market share, and it’s still climbing rapidly. Android has even started to dominate the tablet OS marketplace, and...

Applied WPF 4 in Context
Applied WPF 4 in Context

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a graphical computer platform built and distributed by Microsoft to create rich client applications for Windows systems. With WPF, you can build rich interfaces with animations and amazing graphical effects as easily as you can build minimalist and corporate user interfaces for line-of-business...

Voice over IP Security: A Comprehensive Survey of Vulnerabilities and Academic Research
Voice over IP Security: A Comprehensive Survey of Vulnerabilities and Academic Research

When I decided to do a sabbatical with Symantec Research Labs Europe in the beautiful French Riviera, I was asked to work on a project about Voice over IP (VoIP) security. The goal of the VAMPIRE Project1 was to understand the threats and vulnerabilities of VoIP systems, and to inform the direction of further research efforts....

Dissecting the Hack: The F0rb1dd3n Network, Revised Edition
Dissecting the Hack: The F0rb1dd3n Network, Revised Edition

The world of hacking is a world of pain and frustration. Frustration for the hacker as he tries to figure out how to break the latest and greatest security device, and pain for the manufacturer or corporation that made or was relying on that device.

Dissecting the Hack is one heck of a ride! Hackers, IT professional, and...

Optical Fiber Fusion Splicing (Springer Series in Optical Sciences)
Optical Fiber Fusion Splicing (Springer Series in Optical Sciences)

Significant advances in optical fiber technology have created a need for an up-to-date book about optical fiber fusion splicing. Over the past 15 years, a variety of new optical fibers including rare-earth-doped fiber, dispersioncompensating fiber, dispersion-matched fiber pairs, and microstructured fiber have been introduced. These...

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