 From Bash to Z Shell: Conquering the Command Line
A shell is a sophisticated way to control your computer—Unix, Linux, Microsoft Windows,
Mac OS X, and others. If you do more than the most basic operations, you can do many of them
more powerfully and quickly with a shell and your keyboard than by using a mouse.
The history of shells goes back some 30 years. In the early... |  |  Linguistic Structure Prediction (Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies)
A major part of natural language processing now depends on the use of text data to build linguistic analyzers. We consider statistical, computational approaches to modeling linguistic structure. We seek to unify across many approaches and many kinds of linguistic structures. Assuming a basic understanding of natural language processing and/or... |  |  Gamification by Design: Implementing Game Mechanics in Web and Mobile Apps
Gamification may be a new term, but the idea of using game-thinking and game
mechanics to solve problems and engage audiences isn’t exactly new. The military
has been using games and simulations for hundreds (if not thousands) of years, and
the U.S. military has been a pioneer in the use of video games across branches. Three... |
 Power-Constrained Testing of VLSI Circuits (Frontiers in Electronic Testing)
Increased levels of chip integration combined with physical limitations of heat
removal devices, cooling mechanisms and battery capacity, have established
energy-efficiency as an important design objective in the implementation flow of
modern electronic products. To meet these low energy objectives, new low
power techniques, including... |  |  Advanced Statistical Steganalysis (Information Security and Cryptography)
Steganography and steganalysis, the hiding and detection of a covert payload
within an innocent cover object, started to receive attention from the computer
science, engineering, and mathematics communities in the 1990s. At
first the problems were not clearly defined, but proper statistical foundations
were proposed and mathematical... |  |  Sakai CLE Courseware Management: The Official Guide
Open Source software efforts are organized in a variety of different ways. Some of them are driven primarily by a single commercial organization. Others, like Linux, are a result of a diverse contribution of many individuals and organizations and are often led by a "benevolent dictator". The Sakai community fits neither of these... |
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