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Reason 3 for Windows and Macintosh : Visual QuickStart Guide
Reason 3 for Windows and Macintosh : Visual QuickStart Guide
Combining pristine sound quality with a comfortably retro-styled virtual rack (including a polyphonic synthesizer, mixing console, sampler, and drum machine), Reason has won legions of fans since its introduction. Now, everyone is singing its praises -- from bands like Nine Inch Nails and Prodigy to video producers. Here to show you why is the...
Pragmatic ADO.NET: Data Access for the Internet World
Pragmatic ADO.NET: Data Access for the Internet World

"This is my favorite book on ADO.NET. The author clearly has an extensive understanding of the subject matter. It is useful not only for expert data access programmers but also for weekend code warriors."
—Glenn Thimmes, Senior Software Engineer, New Dawn Technologies.Formerly Develop Support Engineer (WebData),

Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger : Visual QuickStart Guide
Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger : Visual QuickStart Guide
So you're finally ready to find out what all the fuss is about. Whether you're switching from Windows or upgrading from an older Mac OS, this task-based guide represents the surest way to go from 0 to 60 in no time flat with Apple's much anticipated Mac OS X Tiger--more mature, powerfully enhanced, and with more than 200 new features that will...
Microsoft Word Whiz 2002
Microsoft Word Whiz 2002
Use this guide to increase proficiency on Microsoft Word 2002. It is designed to be progressive and modular, creating ease of use for beginners, yet comprehensive enough as a review for the Microsoft Office Specialist certification exam.

This book is exactly what you need to increase proficiency on Microsoft Word 2002.

The book...

Nanotechnology : Science, Innovation, and Opportunity
Nanotechnology : Science, Innovation, and Opportunity


Inside the Emerging Multibillion-Dollar Nanotechnology Industry

Suddenly, nanotechnology isn't science fiction or mere theory: It's becoming one of the world's fastest-growing, highest-impact industries. In Nanotechnology: Science, Innovation, and...

Windows Admin Scripting Little Black Book, Second Edition
Windows Admin Scripting Little Black Book, Second Edition
This book shows Windows XP and 2003 users and administrators how to perform Windows management and administrative tasks using powerful scripts for just about every important task imaginable.

Windows Admin Scripting Little Black Book, 2nd Edition, shows Windows XP and 2003 users and administrators how to perform Windows management...

Programming Web Services with Perl
Programming Web Services with Perl
Programming Web Services with Perl is written for Perl programmers who have no prior knowledge of web services. No understanding of XML-RPC or SOAP is necessary to be able to apply these technologies easily, through the use of publicly available Perl modules detailed in the book. If you're interested in applying...
Signal Integrity Issues and Printed Circuit Board Design
Signal Integrity Issues and Printed Circuit Board Design
The definitive high-speed design resource for every PCB designer

In this book, renowned engineer,author, and seminar leader Douglas Brooks teaches PCB designers how tosuccessfully design boards for any high-speed application. Brooks begins withan easy-to-understand electronics primer for every PCB designer, then...

Windows 2000 API SuperBible
Windows 2000 API SuperBible

Following in the tradition of the Win 95 and Win32 NT SuperBibles, this book is a comprehensive reference for all of the APIs needed by the Windows programmer. It is arranged topically with related functions presented in the same chapter. Using relevant examples that are complete and appropriate to the task at hand, the user will be able to...

Advanced PHP for Web Professionals
Advanced PHP for Web Professionals
The goal of this book is to help you get a better grasp of PHP, to learn some of the less commonly used features, and to help you build some applications that are useful in your work or hobbies. I hope it gives you some ideas on how to make your own applications easier to code and easier to use.
Living The 80/20 Way : Work Less, Worry Less, Succeed More, Enjoy More
Living The 80/20 Way : Work Less, Worry Less, Succeed More, Enjoy More
This compelling book focuses on how to succeed personally and professionally by doing less. The author offers ideas and strategies for minimizing our activities and concerns to lead a "less is more" life.

There is a way to relax, enjoy life, put loved ones first, express yourself to the max, and also achieve your dreams....

Implementing CIFS: The Common Internet File System
Implementing CIFS: The Common Internet File System

"The book that Microsoft should have written, but didn't."
—Jeremy Allison, Samba Team

"Your detailed explanations are clear and backed-up with source code—and the numerous bits of humor make a dry subject very enjoyable to read."
—J.D. Lindemann, network engineer, Adaptec, Inc.


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