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Logic Programming, Knowledge Representation, and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Essays Dedicated to Michael Gelfond
Logic Programming, Knowledge Representation, and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Essays Dedicated to Michael Gelfond

Michael Gelfond has been an extraordinary mentor, teacher, and colleague for many people in the knowledge representation and reasoning (KR&R), logic programming (LP), and answer set programming (ASP) communities.

Michael’s current and former students often like to tell stories about their experience with Michael as...

The Book of Ruby: A Hands-On Guide for the Adventurous
The Book of Ruby: A Hands-On Guide for the Adventurous

Ruby is famous for being easy to learn, but most users only scratch the surface of what it can do. While other books focus on Ruby's trendier features, The Book of Ruby reveals the secret inner workings of one of the world's most popular programming languages, teaching you to write clear, maintainable code.


Introduction to Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing of the Motorola 68Hc12 (Engineering)
Introduction to Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing of the Motorola 68Hc12 (Engineering)

Introduction to Microcontrollers is a comprehensive introductory text/reference for electrical and computer engineers, students, and even hobbyists who have little experience in a high-level programming language. The book helps them understand how a typical microcontroller executes assembly language instructions and addressing modes on...

Program Derivation: The Development of Programs from Specifications (International Computer Science Series)
Program Derivation: The Development of Programs from Specifications (International Computer Science Series)

The primary aim of this book is to make the principles of program derivation from specifications accessible to undergraduates early in their study of computing science.

The proliferation of personal computers in the home and in schools has meant that there are large numbers of people who have had exposure to using computers...

Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government Saving Privacy in the Digital Age
Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government Saving Privacy in the Digital Age

The telegraph, telephone, radio, and especially the computer have put everyone on the globe within earshot— at the price of our privacy. It may feel like we're performing an intimate act when, sequestered in our rooms and cubicles, we casually use our cell phones and computers to transmit our thoughts, confidences,...

Software Engineering and Computer Systems, Part II: Second International Conference ICSECS 2011
Software Engineering and Computer Systems, Part II: Second International Conference ICSECS 2011

On behalf of the ICSECS 2011 Program Committee and the Universiti Malaysia Pahang in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia, we welcome readers to proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems (ICSECS 2011).

ICSECS 2011 explored new advances in software engineering including software...

Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Practical Software Development using UML and Java
Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Practical Software Development using UML and Java

This earliest recorded attempt to regulate the engineering profession reminds us, in the bluntest way possible, that the paramount purpose of engineering and engineering design is to serve the user. One would assume that the engineer’s responsibility to users is so self evident that it goes without saying. Various professional...

Digital Collage and Painting: Using Photoshop and Painter to Create Fine Art
Digital Collage and Painting: Using Photoshop and Painter to Create Fine Art

Where does that kernel of inspiration come from? Does it hit you when you are in the shower or when you are driving on the turnpike? Wherever it takes hold of you, it marks the beginning of the process of making a piece of art. Some artists agonize step-by-step in the creation process. For some people the work fl ows seamlessly from...

SOA for Profit, A Manager's Guide to Success with Service Oriented Architecture
SOA for Profit, A Manager's Guide to Success with Service Oriented Architecture

Service-Oriented Architecture is becoming the leading architecture for IT, and it is changing the way organisations work. IT is slowly but steadily gaining maturity, and becoming the flexible yet stable and reliable support for business it should be. At the same time, IT is regaining its potential to create real business innovation. SOA will...

Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Users Diversity: 6th International Conference
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Users Diversity: 6th International Conference

The 14th International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction, HCI International 2011, was held in Orlando, Florida, USA, July 9–14, 2011, jointly with the Symposium on Human Interface (Japan) 2011, the 9th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, the 6th International Conference on...

Recent Trends and Developments in Social Software: International Conferences on Social Software
Recent Trends and Developments in Social Software: International Conferences on Social Software

From its beginnings, the Internet has fostered communication, collaboration and networking between users. However, the first boom at the turn of the millennium was mainly driven by a rather one-sided interaction: e-commerce, portal sites and the broadcast models of mainstream media were introduced to theWeb. Over the last six or seven...

Network Performance Engineering: A Handbook on Convergent Multi-Service Networks and Next Generation Internet
Network Performance Engineering: A Handbook on Convergent Multi-Service Networks and Next Generation Internet

During recent years a great deal of progress has been made in performance modelling and evaluation of the Internet, towards the convergence of multi-service networks of diverging technologies, supported by internetworking and the evolution of diverse access and switching technologies. The 44 chapters presented in this handbook are revised...

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