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Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)

Managers do not have the luxury of abdicating participation in information systems decisions.Managers who choose to do so risk limiting their future business options. Information systems are at the heart of virtually every business interaction, process, and decision, especially when one considers the vast penetration of the Web in the...

Work Item Management with IBM Rational ClearQuest and Jazz: A Customization Guide
Work Item Management with IBM Rational ClearQuest and Jazz: A Customization Guide

Almost everyone has had the need at one point or another to keep a list of things that need to be done. Many people pick up a piece of paper every day and write down the things they want to attempt to accomplish that day. Such lists drive many people’s lives. Some people keep them in their heads, but as we get older, we need to...

Blender For Dummies
Blender For Dummies

Welcome to Blender For Dummies, 2nd Edition, your introduction to one of the most well-known free programs for creating 3D computer graphics. With Blender, you can create characters, props, environments, and nearly anything else your imagination can generate. You can then take those creations and use them in Blender to tell a story in an...

Materialized Views: Techniques, Implementations, and Applications
Materialized Views: Techniques, Implementations, and Applications

Materialized views have recently seen a renewed interest in the research and commercial communitites because of their applications in warehousing, retailing, billing, visualization, integrity constraints, query optimization, and decision support. All leading database vendors are currently implementing in their systems materialized views...

Designing Management Information Systems
Designing Management Information Systems

Management information systems produce the information that managers use to make important strategic decisions. They formthe basis for management reports, both financial and non-financial, and as such they are a vital component of modern business management. Few managerial decisions are taken without consulting the data captured by...

3ds Max Modeling for Games, Second Edition: Insider's Guide to Game Character, Vehicle, and Environment Modeling: Volume I
3ds Max Modeling for Games, Second Edition: Insider's Guide to Game Character, Vehicle, and Environment Modeling: Volume I

After meeting so many readers of the original book on the forum that supports this book (www.3D-For-Games.com/forum), as well as a lot of them in person, we came to the decision that a bit of an update to 3ds Max Modeling for Games was in order. Not only had the software moved on but so had the expectations from employers looking to...

Neural Fuzzy Systems: A Neuro-Fuzzy Synergism to Intelligent Systems
Neural Fuzzy Systems: A Neuro-Fuzzy Synergism to Intelligent Systems

Fuzzy systems and neural networks have attracted the growing interest of researchers, scientists, engineers, practitioners, and students in various scientific and engineering areas. Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic are based on the way the brain deals with inexact information, while neural networks (or artificial neural networks) are modeled...

On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp
On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp

This book is intended for anyone who wants to become a better Lisp programmer. It assumes some familiarity with Lisp, but not necessarily extensive programming experience. The first few chapters contain a fair amount of review. I hope that these sections will be interesting to more experienced Lisp programmers as well, because they...

Systems Thinking, Third Edition: Managing Chaos and Complexity: A Platform for Designing Business Architecture
Systems Thinking, Third Edition: Managing Chaos and Complexity: A Platform for Designing Business Architecture

This is an unconventional book for an unconventional reader. It is intended for those professionals who, in addition to their specialized knowledge, would like to get a handle on life so they may put their special text into its proper context. It speaks to those thinkers and practitioners who have come to realize that learning to be...

Mathematics for Multimedia
Mathematics for Multimedia

Beautiful mathematical ideas abound in multimedia software! Some are not encountered until late in undergraduate or even postgraduate study, whereas they can be appreciated and used much earlier. This book presents a few dozen such pearls, strung together by their ubiquity in many applications. It is based on the course Topics in...

Matlab, Second Edition: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving
Matlab, Second Edition: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving

The purpose of this book is to teach fundamentals of programming concepts and skills needed for basic problem solving, all using MATLABW as the vehicle. MATLAB is a powerful software package that has built-in functions to accomplish a diverse range of tasks, from mathematical operations to three-dimensional imaging. Additionally,...

Multidimensional Signal, Image, and Video Processing and Coding, Second Edition
Multidimensional Signal, Image, and Video Processing and Coding, Second Edition

This is a textbook for a first- or second-year graduate course for electrical and computer engineering (ECE) students in the area of digital image and video processing and coding. The course might be called Digital Image and Video Processing (DIVP) or some such, and has its heritage in the signal processing and communications areas of...

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