This book is based on a course in cryptography at the upper level under
graduate and beginning graduate level that has been given at the University
of Maryland since 1997. When designing the course, we decided on the fol
lowing requirements.
• The course should be up-to-date and cover a broad selection of topics
from a...
Computer vision seeks a process that starts with a noisy, ambiguous signal from a TV
camera and ends with a high-level description of discrete objects located in 3-dimensional
space and identified in a human classification. In this book we address this process at
several levels. We first treat the low-level image-processing issues of...
Graph rewriting systems have come of age. In autumn 1994, the 25th anniversary of
the first publication in this area was celebrated at the 5th Workshop on Graph
Grammars and their Applications to Computer Science. In the interim, the subject has
evolved. The current situation can be described by a three-stage model. At the very
With the introduction of multicore devices such as the iPad 2 and the quad-core Mac-
Book Pro, writing multithreaded apps that take advantage of multiple cores on a device
has become one of the biggest headaches for developers. Take, for instance, the introduction
of iPad 2. On the launch day, only a few applications, basically those...
Cognitive spatial concepts are qualitative in nature, i.e., they are based not so
much on exact quantities but on comparisons between perceived magnitudes.
We develop a qualitative model for the representation of spatial knowledge (in
particular, of positional information about 2-dimensional projections) that is
based only on locative...
Why should you learn about Linux? It’s a fast-growing operating system, and it’s inexpensive and flexible. Linux is also a major player in the small and mid-sized server field, and it’s an increasingly viable platform for workstation and desktop use as well. By understanding Linux, you’ll...
Given Apple’s advertising budget and ubiquitous ads, plus an enormous amount of media attention, it’s still difficult to determine just what an iPad is. Is it a media player or a business machine? Does it replace a laptop? There are other tablet computers on the market, as well as “netbooks” that act like...
The REX School/Symposium *A Decade of Concurrency - Reflections and
Perspectives' was the final event of a ten year period of cooperation between three
Dutch research groups working on the foundations of concurrency. Ever since its
inception in 1983. the goal of the project has been'to contribute to the
Competing in today's world requires a greater emphasis on strategy, long-range planning, and decision making, and this is why businesses are building data warehouses. Data warehouses are becoming more and more common as businesses have realized the need to mine the information that is stored in electronic form. Data warehouses provide...
Scientists in the throes of research use an extensive data bank to access structural information on proteins and nucleic acids. Meanwhile, geneticists use a highly specialized form of software to analyze the hybridization pattern of DNA chips.
The past decade has been tremendously successful for biotechnology and pharmaceutical...
Information technology (IT) quality engineering and quality improvement methods
are constantly getting more attention from world corporate leaders, all levels of
management, design engineers, and academia. This trend can be seen easily by the
widespread of “Six Sigma” initiatives in many Fortune IT 500 companies. For a
The third edition of Engineering Noise Control has been thoroughly revised, updated and extended. Each chapter contains new material, much of which is not available elsewhere. The result is a comprehensive discussion of the theoretical principles and concepts of acoustics and noise control, a detailed discussion of the hearing...