 Configuring and Tuning Databases on the Solaris Platform
Modern corporations demand a high level of service from their IT environ-
ments. Today's successful datacenter architectures consist of multiple tiers
that use well-tuned and high-performance servers at every level.
Sun refers to this as the "end-to-end architecture." Typical tiers include
powerful database... |  |  Programming with POSIX® Threads
This book is about "threads" and how to use them. Thread" is just a name for
a basic software "thing" that can do work on a computer. A thread is smaller,
faster, and more maneuverable than a traditional process. In fact, once threads
have been added to an operating system, a "process" becomes just... |  |  Multiparadigm Constraint Programming Languages (Cognitive Technologies)
"Modeling" has become one of the primary concerns in modern Software
Engineering. The reason is simple: starting development processes from clear
and succinct models has proven to foster not only quality but also productivity.
With the advance of modeling there also came a desire for automatic code
generation from models.... |
 VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference: Automating vSphere Administration
The book is, of course, primarily targeted at administrators of vSphere environments who want to automate tasks. But the subjects that we discuss in the book cover so many aspects of the management of a VMware vSphere environment that everyone who comes into contact with a VMware vSphere environment will be able to pick up something... |  |  HTML5 Geolocation
This book explores the W3C Geolocation API, a specification that provides scripted
access to geographical location information associated with a hosted device.* This API
defines objects that can be used in JavaScript to ascertain the position of the device on
which the code is executed.
Truly revolutionary: now... |  |  Concepts of Chemical Engineering 4 Chemists (RSC '4' Chemists)
This book is meant as a handbook and resource guide for chemists
(and other scientists) who either find themselves working alongside
chemical engineers or who are undertaking chemical engineering-type
projects and who wish to communicate with their colleagues and
understand chemical engineering principles. The book has arisen out
of... |
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