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PKI Uncovered: Certificate-Based Security Solutions for Next-Generation Networks (Networking Technology: Security)
PKI Uncovered: Certificate-Based Security Solutions for Next-Generation Networks (Networking Technology: Security)

With the increasing focus on IT Security comes a higher demand for identity management in the modern business. This requires a flexible, scalable, and secure authentication method. Identity control is made mandatory by many public standards, such as PCI, and PKI is an essential component to set up authentication in many technologies,...

Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (International Computer Science Series)
Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (International Computer Science Series)

The history of database research over the past 30 years is one of exceptional productivity that has led to the database system becoming arguably the most impor tant development in the field of software engineering- The database is now the underlying framework of the information system, and has fundamentally changed the way many...

Information Security Applications: 11th International Workshop, WISA 2010, Jeju Island, Korea, August 24-26, 2010
Information Security Applications: 11th International Workshop, WISA 2010, Jeju Island, Korea, August 24-26, 2010

The 11th International Workshop on Information Security Applications (WISA 2010)was held on Jeju Island, Korea, during August 24–26, 2010. The workshop was hosted by the Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology (KIISC), supported by the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) and the Korea...

The Software IP Detective's Handbook: Measurement, Comparison, and Infringement Detection
The Software IP Detective's Handbook: Measurement, Comparison, and Infringement Detection

This book is generally about software intellectual property and specifically about the field of software forensics. While you may never testify in a courtroom, attempt to deduce the true owner of a valuable program, or measure the intellectual property (IP) value of software source code, if you are at all involved with software you...

Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications
Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications

The ultimate guide to cryptography, updated from an author team of the world's top cryptography experts.

Cryptography is vital to keeping information safe, in an era when the formula to do so becomes more and more challenging. Written by a team of world-renowned cryptography experts, this essential guide is the...

Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness (Series of Books in the Mathematical Sciences)
Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness (Series of Books in the Mathematical Sciences)

Few technical lerms have gained such rapid notoriety as the appela tion "NP-complete." In the short lime since its introduction in the early 1970's, this term has come to symbolize the abyss of inherent intractability that algorithm designers increasingly face as they seek to solve larger and more complex problems. A...

Electric Power Transformer Engineering, Second Edition
Electric Power Transformer Engineering, Second Edition

It is appropriate that I first acknowledge my appreciation to Professor Leo Grigsby for inviting me to prepare the chapter on power transformers for the first edition (2001) of his now very popular Electric Power Engineering Handbook. From this evolved the recognition that two chapters from the 2001 Handbook, those for (1) substations...

Computer Methods for Analysis of Mixed-Mode Switching Circuits
Computer Methods for Analysis of Mixed-Mode Switching Circuits

Mixed-mode switching circuits distinguish themselves from other circuits by including switches that are either clocked externally or controlled internally. These circuits have found broad applications in telecommunication networks, instrumentation, and power electronic systems, to name a few. It is the emergence of switched capacitor...

Computational and Instrumental Methods in EPR (Biological Magnetic Resonance)
Computational and Instrumental Methods in EPR (Biological Magnetic Resonance)

Electron magnetic resonance in the time domain has been greatly facilitated by the introduction of novel resonance structures and better computational tools, such as the increasingly widespread use of density-matrix formalism. This second volume in our series, devoted both to instrumentation and computation, addresses applications and...

Drinking Water and Infectious Disease: Establishing the Links
Drinking Water and Infectious Disease: Establishing the Links

There still exists considerable uncertainty in many countries about the contribution of drinking water to sporadic cases of disease. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), led the Workshop on Molecular Technologies for Safe Drinking Water in 1998 to address...

Data Mining and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity
Data Mining and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity

In the emerging era of Web 3.0, securing cyberspace has gradually evolved into a critical organizational and national research agenda inviting interest from a multidisciplinary scientific workforce. There are many avenues into this area, and, in recent research, machine-learning and data-mining techniques have been applied to design,...

Ecosystem Responses to Mercury Contamination: Indicators of Change
Ecosystem Responses to Mercury Contamination: Indicators of Change

As rising levels of mercury in the environment pose an increasing threat of toxicity to humans and wildlife, several laws already call for industries to reduce mercury emissions at the source. Ecosystem Responses to Mercury Contamination: Indicators of Change outlines the infrastructure and methods needed to measure, monitor, and regulate the...

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