 Android 3.0 Animations: Beginner's Guide
Android 3.0 Animation, a Beginner's Guide, will introduce each of the most popular
animation techniques to you as an Android developer. Using step-by-step instructions,
you will learn how to create interactive dynamic forms, moving graphics, and 3D motion.
You will be taken on a journey from simple stop motion animations... |  |  ActiveMQ in Action
To this day, enterprise message queuing is a concept that is not well understood by
most software developers. Commercial message-oriented middleware (MOM) did not
help to encourage adoption of the process; most of the MOMs on the market were
closed source, were costly to buy and support, and required trained system administrators
for... |  |  Practical Arduino Engineering
Arduino boards have impressed both hackers and professional engineers. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional, it isn't just a breadboard and a hazy idea that keeps you going. It's essential to institute a proper design, device instrumentation and, indeed, test your project thoroughly before committing to a... |
 Programming Reactive Extensions and LINQ
Right now, we as programmers are at an impasse—a transition period between the well-understood
world of imperative programming, and a world that is increasingly at odds with this model. In the ’80s,
everything was simple: one machine, one thread, no network.
CPUs are now scaling horizontally, adding more and more... |  |  C: How to Program (6th Edition)
Welcome to the C programming language—and to C++, too! This book presents leadingedge
computing technologies for students, instructors and software development professionals.
At the heart of the book is the Deitel signature “live-code approach.” Concepts are
presented in the context of complete working... |  |  Inkscape 0.48 Illustrator's Cookbook
Inkscape is frequently mentioned, and lauded, as one of the best examples of open-source
software available today. It is a mature, feature-full and flexible product, thanks to a very
dedicated developer community. The latest version, 0.48, adds new tools, such as the
Airbrush (which many have longed for), and advanced path editing,... |
 Beginning OS X Lion Apps Development (Beginning Apress)
Mac OS X offers an amazing development environment for scores of technologies. It seems that
developers from numerous camps are migrating to Mac en masse. Scan the room at any Ruby or
Rails conference, for example, and you’ll see programmers coding on Macs almost exclusively. As
developers move to Mac, almost inevitably they... |  |  Business Process Model and Notation: Third International Workshop, BPMN 2011
The Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) has seen a huge uptake in
both academia and industry over the past years. It is seen by many as the de
facto standard for business process modeling and has become very popular with
business analysts, tool vendors and end users. As of version 2.0, the BPMN
contains a comprehensive set of... |  |  The Handbook of Human Factors in Web Design (Human Factors and Ergonomics)
The Handbook of Human Factors in Web Design covers basic human factors issues relating to screen design, input devices, and information organization and processing, as well as addresses newer features which will become prominent in the next generation of Web technologies. These include multimodal interfaces, wireless capabilities,... |
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