 Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security VI
This issue consists mainly of a Special Section on “Content Protection and
Forensics” with four papers edited by Sabu Emmanuel, Mohan S. Kankanhalli,
Shih-Fu Chang, Regunathan Radhakrishnan, Fulong Ma and Li Zhao. For a detailed
introduction of these four papers, please refer to the Preface written by
the organizers... |  |  Oracle Advanced PL/SQL Developer Professional Guide
PL/SQL (Procedural Language/Structured Query Language) is Oracle Corporation's procedural extension
language for SQL and the Oracle relational database. Server-side PL/SQL is stored and compiled in the Oracle Database and runs within the Oracle executable. With this guide Oracle developers can work towards ... |  |  OSGi in Depth
I started working with OSGi in about 2006. This was back in the days of BEA and Web- Logic. Our goal was a very ambitious one: to create a new application server profiled for a particular vertical market—financial front offices.
The journey has been a long one. But as they say, it is not just about ... |
 Combinatorial Image Analysis: 14th International Workshop, IWCIA 2011
This volume includes the articles presented at the 14th International Workshop
on Combinatorial Image Analysis, IWCIA 2011, held in Madrid, Spain, May
23–25, 2011. The 13 previous meetings were held in Paris (France) 1991, Ube
(Japan) 1992, Washington D.C. (USA) 1994, Lyon (France) 1995, Hiroshima
(Japan) 1997, Madras... |  |  Getting Started with OAuth 2.0
I’ve been working with web-based APIs since 1999, building SOAP-based web services for internal IT applications and helping thousands of developers using Google’s RESTbased APIs for Google Calendar, Picasa Web Albums, YouTube, and more. Each of these APIs has required authorization from users to act on their behalf. Developers ... |  |  |
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