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Investing Online for Dummies, 5th Edition
Investing Online for Dummies, 5th Edition
Get up to speed with new strategies, tools, and resources

Gain control of your investments and pay less in fees and commissions — here's how

Whether you've invested online before or you're planning to start, this plain-English guide will steer you around the jargon and past the pitfalls. Uncover the best investing resources...

Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics
Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics
In introductory electronics, Stan Gibilisco wrote the book. The gifted writer/teacher's TEACH YOURSELF ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRONICS is your best choice for clarity, completeness, and up-to-date coverage.

* The best-selling electronics introduction, offering a user-friendly independent study approach
* The quickest way to learn the

Making Use of Python
Making Use of Python

A step-by-step guide on how to use Python for CGI scripting, GUI development, network programming, and much more!

Organizations such as NASA, Hewlett-Packard, and Xerox have already discovered the power that Python has to offer. This multipurpose development language can be used on virtually every platform, from Windows and Linux...

OCP: Oracle 10g Administration II Study Guide : Exam 1Z0-043
OCP: Oracle 10g Administration II Study Guide : Exam 1Z0-043
Here's the book you need to prepare for the Oracle Database 10g Administration II exam, 1Z0-043. This Study Guide was developed to meet the exacting requirements of today's Oracle certification candidates. In addition to the...
The Encyclopedia of Networking
The Encyclopedia of Networking
As in the first edition, I’ve tried to make this Encyclopedia a comprehensive source of information about matters relating to networking. I’ve also tried to present the information in a clear and useful manner.

This book contains comprehensive, straightforward summaries of the major concepts, issues, and approaches related to
Sams Teach Yourself Network Troubleshooting in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself Network Troubleshooting in 24 Hours
A practical, hands-on guide to network troubleshooting that emphasizes diagnostic techniques that many professionals, including engineers, architects, doctors, scientists, attorneys, etc. can really relate to. In today's pervasive network environment, many of these people are often responsible for "fixing the network" if it goes down....
Domain Architectures : Models and Architectures for UML Applications
Domain Architectures : Models and Architectures for UML Applications
The last two decennia have witnessed many advances in the area of software
development. The advent of object-oriented programming languages and modelling
languages such as Unified Modeling Language (UML) has increased our ability
as developers to design and realize large and enterprise-wide software systems.
However, software
Dreamweaver 4 Bible
Dreamweaver 4 Bible
If Dreamweaver 4 can do it, you can do it too...

You're holding in your hands the definitive guide to Dreamweaver — the only book you need to master today's leading Web development tool. Author Joseph Lowery has worked with the Dreamweaver team at Macromedia since the program's first release, and he is intimately...

Advanced Wired and Wireless Networks (Multimedia Systems and Applications)
Advanced Wired and Wireless Networks (Multimedia Systems and Applications)
We live in the era of information revolution triggered by a widespread
availability of Internet and Internet based applications, further enhanced by
an introduction of wireless data networks and extension of cellular networks
beyond traditional mobile telephony through an addition of the mobile
Internet access. The Internet has
Marketing Insights from A to Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know
Marketing Insights from A to Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know
Praise for Philip Kotler’s MARKETING INSIGHTS FROM A to Z

"There’s only one name in marketing: Phil Kotler. His latest may be his best–a summa that captures the best of his insights, as original today as when he first took pen in hand, forty years ago."
–Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence and

PC Magazine January 2006
PC Magazine January 2006
Articles in January 2006 issue of PC Magazine

    * US High Court Refuses to Review RIM Patent Ruling
      by Reuters  
    * DTV Alliance Takes Mobile TV To The Masses
      by Bary Alyssa Johnson
    * Government
UNIX System Administration: A Beginner's Guide
UNIX System Administration: A Beginner's Guide

Essential Skills Made Easy!

Learn the fundamentals of UNIX administration--from both a network and single system perspective--using this easy-to-follow introductory guide. You'll find clear instructions for setting up such important system services sas DNS, FTP, file systems, basic security tools, and much more. Designed for easy...

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