This book is inspired by boredom and fascination: boredom with the usual presentation of data structures and algorithms, and fascination with complex
systems. The problem with data structures is that they are often taught without a motivating context; the problem with complexity science is that it is
usually not taught at...
Formal engineering methods are changing the way that software systems are developed.
With language and tool support, they are being used for automatic code
generation, and for the automatic abstraction and checking of implementations.
In the future, they will be used at every stage of development: requirements,
Pro .NET Best Practices is a practical reference to the best practices that you can apply to your .NET projects today. You will learn standards, techniques, and conventions that are sharply focused, realistic and helpful for achieving results, steering clear of unproven, idealistic, and impractical...
Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK gets you up and running developing Kinect applications for your PC using Microsoft tools and the official SDK. You will have a working Kinect program by the end of the first chapter! The following chapters will open up the secrets of three-dimensional vision, skeleton...
XAML is ubiquitous today. Whether with Silverlight, WPF, WF, various XPS formats, or XML-based formats, XAML is being used in a whole lot of Microsoft platform- based technologies. Though based on XML, XAML is unlike most other markup languages, because it is strongly linked to CLR assemblies through its objects.
This volume continues the series of proceedings of the annual ADBIS conferences
in the field of advances in databases and information systems.
ADBIS, founded by the Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter, was extended into
a regular East-European conference in 1996 to establish a forum for promoting
interaction and...
I’ve been working in SharePoint consulting for over 10 years, and with time I began to realize the lack of books on the market that showed techsavvy business users just how easy SharePoint is to use. I would go in and build systems for major corporations and government agencies around the world, and in most cases toward the end of the...
Peer-to-peer (P2P) has proven as a most successful way to produce large
scale, reliable, and cost-effective applications, as illustrated for file sharing or
VoIP. P2P storage is an emerging field of application which allows peers to
collectively leverage their resources towards ensuring the reliability and
availability of user...
We are delighted lo present the ECDL 2004 Conference proceedings from the
8th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Li-
braries at the University of Bath. Bath, UK. This followed an impressive and
geographically dispersed series of locations for previous events: Pisa (1997). ller-
aklion (1998),...
Games have come a long way since their inception far in our past.
The tools we have used in our game play have changed, as well, from knuckle
bones to cards to board games to early arcade games to today’s spiffy video game
consoles. The progression has been a lengthy one. Now hardware advances are
even changing the way we...
Kernel development can be a daunting task and is very different from programming traditional user
applications. The kernel environment is more volatile and complex. Extraordinary care must be taken to
ensure that kernel code is free of bugs because any issue may have serious consequences to the stability,
security, and performance...
Thank you for picking up this book! We believe that if you are reading this page, you are an individual seeking to gain a greater degree of familiarity with cybercrime and espionage, and more likely than not, believe that the realities outweigh the fear, uncertainty, and doubt associated with these two topics. Our desire in writing this...