 Pro NuGet (Professional Apress)
NuGet is a free, open source, package management tool for the .NET platform. It is developed by Microsoft and has been contributed to the ASP.NET Gallery on Outercurve Foundation, formerly known as the Codeplex Foundation. It also ships as part of the ASP.NET MVC 3 tooling. NuGet enables .NET developers to easily find packages, including any... |  |  Peer-to-Peer Computing: Applications, Architecture, Protocols, and Challenges
Peer-to-peer computing, at least on a conceptual level, is a genuine paradigm
shift—intelligence is at the edge, computing is completely decentralized, and
the network is just there to knit the distributed intelligence together. Indeed,
with advancements in hardware technology, proliferation of the open source
development... |  |  User-Centered Agile Methods (Synthesis Lectures on Human-Centered Informatics)
Agile methods have transformed how developers think about organizing the development of a
project. Rather than months (or years) of development, followed by months of field test leading
up to a release, agile methods organize development into short iterations with continuous testing
and a flexible release date. The agile approach... |
 Web Page Recommendation Models: Theory and Algorithms (Synthesis Lectures on Data Management)
One of the application areas of data mining is the World Wide Web (WWW or Web), which serves as a huge, widely distributed, global information service for every kind of information such as news, advertisements, consumer information, financial management, education, government, e-commerce, health services, and many other information services.... |  |  iPod: The Missing Manual
What a difference a decade makes. When Apple introduced the very first iPod back in October 2001, it was a bulky chunk of white plastic, chrome, and glass that held a mere 5 gigabytes of music. But its concept was simple and enticing: you could carry 1,000 songs around in your pocket. And people did.
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 Utilizing Information Technology Systems Across Disciplines: Advancements in the Application of Computer Science (Premier Reference Source)
In the information technology age coupled with computer advances, information systems have become an
integral part of many disciplines; accordingly, business, marketing, medicine, communication, banking,
geography, physics, chemistry, aviation, pilots, forensics, agriculture, and even traf.c lights have one
thing in common called... |  |  Ubiquitous Multimedia and Mobile Agents: Models and Implementations
Ubiquitous multimedia systems, or mobile multimedia systems, offer the promise of pervasive delivery of multimedia content to mobile users and their handheld devices.
Ubiquitous Multimedia and Mobile Agents: Models and Implementations provides the hybridization of two paradigms, namely, ubiquitous/mobile multimedia and mobile... |  |  |
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