 Fundamentals of Speaker Recognition
When I was being interviewed at the handwriting recognition group of IBM T.J.
Watson Research Center in December of 1990, one of the interviewers asked me
why, being a mechanical engineer, I was applying for a position in that group. Well,
he was an electrical engineer and somehow was under the impression that handwriting... |  |  iPhone 4S All-in-One For Dummies
Apple has built its reputation on creating user-friendly products.
Browsing the FingerTips guide that comes with your iPhone or even
reading the more extensive iPhone User’s Guide gives you enough information
to use a portion of your iPhone’s capabilities. We think that’s kind of like
using 10 percent of your... |  |  Pro iOS 5 Augmented Reality
Welcome to Pro iOS 5 Augmented Reality. Augmented reality (AR) has existed in sci-fi
movies for decades, is used in the military for head-up displays (HUDs), and until
recently, has been a thing of the future. With the upswing in mobile applications since
the introduction of the iPhone and the Android operating system, applications... |
 Oracle Database Performance and Scalability: A Quantitative Approach
This book stemmed from the author’s other book—Software Performance and Scalability: a Quantitative Approach, published by Wiley in 2009. That book helps
readers grasp the basic concepts, principles, methodologies, best practices, queueing theories, and profiling tools associated with optimizing software performance and... |  |  Beginning PhoneGap: Mobile Web Framework for JavaScript and HTML5
PhoneGap is a growing and leading open-source mobile web apps development framework that lets developers build JavaScript and HTML5-based web applications with native wrappers for more than six mobile platforms, including iOS, Android, and BlackBerry. This framework lets you build HTML- and JavaScript-based apps and still take advantage... |  |  Adobe Dreamweaver CS5: Comprehensive (Shelly Cashman Series)
The Shelly Cashman Series® offers the fi nest textbooks in computer education. We
are proud of the fact that our previous Dreamweaver books have been so well received.
With each new edition of our Dreamweaver books, we make signifi cant improvements
based on the software and comments made by instructors and students. For this... |
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