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Java Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design, Update JavaPlace
Java Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design, Update JavaPlace
This book is about writing well-designed software. To understand software, we must first have a fundamental understanding of its role in a computer system. Hardware and software cooperate in a computer system to accomplish complex tasks. The nature of that cooperation and the purpose of various hardware components are important...
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C (2nd Edition)
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C (2nd Edition)

This book describes data structures, methods of organizing large amounts of data, and algorithm analysis, the estimation of the running time of algorithms. As computers become faster and faster, the need for programs that can handle large amounts of input becomes more acute. Paradoxically, this requires more careful attention...

Modern Fortran Explained (Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation)
Modern Fortran Explained (Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation)
Fortran remains one of the principal languages used in the fields of scientific, numerical, and engineering programming, and a series of revisions to the standard defining successive versions of the language has progressively enhanced its power and kept it competitive with several generations of rivals.

Algorithms in C++ Part 5: Graph Algorithms (3rd Edition) (Pt.5)
Algorithms in C++ Part 5: Graph Algorithms (3rd Edition) (Pt.5)

GRAPHS AND GRAPH algorithms are pervasive in modern computing applications. This book describes the most important known methods for solving the graph-processing problems that arise in practice. Its primary aim is to make these methods and the basic principles behind them accessible to the growing number of people in need of knowing them. The...

iPhoto 11 Portable Genius
iPhoto 11 Portable Genius

Technology is at its best when it enables you to focus more on what you are doing rather than how you are doing it. iPhoto is definitely technology at its best. It does so many things that it takes a whole book to describe them to you — this book, in fact. iPhoto ’11 Portable Genius is your companion: It helps you get going with...

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java (3rd Edition)
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java (3rd Edition)

This new Java edition describes data structures, methods of organizing large amounts of data, and algorithm analysis, the estimation of the running time of algorithms. As computers become faster and faster, the need for programs that can handle large amounts of input becomes more acute. Paradoxically, this requires more...

Digital Control and Estimation: A Unified Approach (Prentice Hall Information and System Sciences Series)
Digital Control and Estimation: A Unified Approach (Prentice Hall Information and System Sciences Series)

Many books already exist on the topics of digital control and estimation. The prospective reader of this book might well then ask. "why another book in this area?"

One problem with the existing literature is that it emphasizes the differences between discrete and continuous theory. This dichotomy is largely

Modern Database Management (10th Edition)
Modern Database Management (10th Edition)
This text is designed to be used with an introductory course in database management. Such a course is usually required as part of an information systems curriculum in business schools, computer technology programs, and applied computer science departments. The Association for Information Systems (AIS), the Association for...
Linear Programming: An Introduction with Applications
Linear Programming: An Introduction with Applications
This book is aimed at freshman, sophomores, and juniors in college who are even remotely interested in some of the current applications of mathematics to the real world. The difficulty with most of the other linear programming books on the market is that they are high end books, written primarily in a fairly rigorous fashion...
Understanding Motion Capture for Computer Animation, Second Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
Understanding Motion Capture for Computer Animation, Second Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
One could say that motion capture technology hasn’t evolved much in the past twenty years. It still relies mostly on cameras, electromagnetics, or mechanics. Of course, the components are much better and we are now able to obtain superior measurements. Data that took weeks to process in the early days can now be...
Applied Semantic Web Technologies
Applied Semantic Web Technologies
Since Tim Berners-Lee’s original idea for a global system of interlinked hypertext documents from 1989, the World Wide Web has grown into the world’s biggest pool of human knowledge. Over the past few years, the Web has changed the way people communicate and exchange information. It has created new business...
Computer Networks, Fifth Edition: A Systems Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)
Computer Networks, Fifth Edition: A Systems Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)
Once again, this now-classic textbook has been revised to keep it up-to-date with our evolving field. While the Internet and its protocols now dominate networking everywhere, we see continued evolution in the technology used to support the Internet, with switching at “layer 2” providing rich functionality and...
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