 Digital Video Broadcasting: Technology, Standards, and Regulations
Many books and articles on the transition of television from analog to
digital transmission have been published in recent years. This transition
is still in its infancy, but it will inevitably take place in the years to
come. Due to digitization, the existing barriers between audio, video, and
data generation and transmission... |  |  Picture Yourself Learning Corel PaintShop Pro X4
Designed for anyone interested in graphics, photography, or photographic
creations, this book came into existence to show you how you can put the incredible power of
Corel PaintShop Pro X4 into play.
This book cuts right to the chase of the PaintShop Pro X4 tools that are best used when working with
photographs... |  |  Neural and Fuzzy Logic Control of Drives and Power Systems
The idea of writing this book arose from the need to investigate the main principles of
modern power electronic control strategies, using fuzzy logic and neural networks, for
research and teaching. Primarily, the book aims to be a quick learning guide for
postgraduate/undergraduate students or design engineers interested in... |
 Mobile Web Design
This is a book about delivering web content to mobile devices. Much has been
written about mobile devices. Plenty has been written about developing websites
for the so-called “standards era” of the web. However, little has been written about
the two colliding. "is resource aims to fill that void.
... |  |  QoS Measurement and Evaluation of Telecommunications Quality of Service
Most people know that quality of service (QoS) in telecommunications has
grown in importance over the past decade. This is thanks to the new competitive
environment which has followed as a direct result of privatization and
de-regulation, forcing companies to increase the quality of their networks and
services. Yet QoS means... |  |  UMTS Networks: Architecture, Mobility and Services
The world's first public GSM call was made on 1st July 1991 in a city park of Helsinki,
Finland. That event is now regarded as the birthday of the second generation mobile telephony.
GSM has been an overwhelming success, which was difficult to predict at that early
stage. In the past 10 years GSM has become a truly global... |
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