The Art of the App Store: The Business of Apple Development
Wit h roughly half a mi llion active apps available for download and a current
pace of 20,000 new apps approved every month (according to 148apps.biz), the
iOS App Store has been without doubt a phenomenal success. From its launch in
2008, it’s seen exponential growth both in revenue generated and apps created,
and it... | | Wireless Crime and Forensic Investigation
Security is always a concern with any new technology. When we think security we typically think of stopping an attacker from breaking in or gaining access. However, based on the broad reach of wireless, stopping someone from passively listening is just as critical. Intrusion detection systems, firewalls, and forensics are just a few of the... | | The Mac OS X Lion Project Book
Managing files and finding stuff after you’ve organized it are things you’ll know about after reading this chapter. The chapter also covers loading up on applications, both from the App Store and directly from developers’ Web sites. (If you’re not sure now what the differences are, don’t... |
Codecharts: Roadmaps and blueprints for object-oriented programs
In this book we set out to investigate some of the most difficult problems that
software engineering faces. Although a young discipline, it nonetheless faces
the most difficult challenges, as software is the most complex artefact ever
crafted by humankind. As such, many of the problems can be traced to
inadequate abstraction.... | | | | |
Introduction to Biometrics
A number of crucial societal applications like international border crossing, electronic
commerce, and welfare disbursement require reliable person recognition systems.
Traditional person authentication methods based on passwords and identity
documents often fail to meet the stringent security and performance demands of
these... | | Mac OS X Lion: Visual Quickstart Guide
Mac OS X Lion—or also simply called OS X
Lion—is the latest version of the computer
operating system that put the phrase
graphic user interface in everyone’s
vocabulary. With Mac OS, you can point,
click, and drag to work with files, applications,
and utilities. Because the same
intuitive interface... | | |
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