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Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Current Issues and New Applications: Current Issues and New Applications
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Current Issues and New Applications: Current Issues and New Applications
The Fourth Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2000) was held at the Keihanna-Plaza, Kyoto, Japan, April 18 - 20, 2000. PAKDD 2000 provided an international forum for researchers and application developers to share their original research results and practical development experiences. A wide...
Scala in Depth
Scala in Depth
In fall 2010 Michael Stephens from Manning contacted me about writing a Scala Book. I was working for a small virtualization/security startup where I had been learning Scala and applying it to our codebase. During that first conversation Michael and I discussed the Scala ecosystem and what kind of a book would best...
Java 7 JAX-WS Web Services
Java 7 JAX-WS Web Services

Java 7 JAX-WS Web Services starts off with downloading and installing the Oracle GlassFish Server and NetBeans IDE. Although in this book we will be using GlassFish Server 3.1.1 and NetBeans IDE 7.0.1, later versions of GlassFish and NetBeans are also compatible. We then create a JAX-WS web service with Java 7. We shall also discuss the new...

Intelligent Multimedia Databases and Information Retrieval: Advancing Applications and Technologies
Intelligent Multimedia Databases and Information Retrieval: Advancing Applications and Technologies
The decreasing costs of consumer electronic devices such as digital cameras and digital camcorders, along with the ease of transportation facilitated by the Internet, has lead to a phenomenal rise in the amount of multimedia data. Now multimedia data comprising of images, audio, and video is becoming increasingly common. Given that...
Melt Inclusions in Volcanic Systems: Methods, Applications and Problems (Developments in Volcanology)
Melt Inclusions in Volcanic Systems: Methods, Applications and Problems (Developments in Volcanology)
From September 264 to 30 th, 2002, a group of researchers met at Seiano di Vico Equense, on the Sorrento Peninsula, Italy, to participate in the "Workshop-Short Course on Volcanic Systems. Gecx:hcmical and Geophysical Monitoring. Melt Inclusions: Methods, Applications and Problems", sponsored by the Istituto Nazionalr di...
RF and Microwave Circuits, Measurements, and Modeling (The RF and Microwave Handbook, Second Edition)
RF and Microwave Circuits, Measurements, and Modeling (The RF and Microwave Handbook, Second Edition)

The first edition of the RF and Microwave Handbook was published in 2000. The project got off to an inauspicious start when 24 inches of snow fell in Denver the evening before the advisory board planned to hold their kick-off meeting. Two members of the board were trapped for days in the Denver airport since planes were not arriving or...

Generative Art
Generative Art
As a young man, this career shift wasn’t entirely motivated by a need to restore the right-left hemisphere balance to my young brain; it may also have had something to do with the worry that knowing a lot about Alan Turing and C++ was probably not the best way to get a girlfriend.

My studies of early 1990s ideas
Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)
Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)
Extensive work has been done for many years in the areas of attitude determination, attitude prediction, and attitude control. During this time, it has been difficult to obtain reference material that provided a comprehensive overview of attitude support activities. This lack of reference material has made it difficult for...
Professional Android 4 Application Development (Wrox Professional Guides)
Professional Android 4 Application Development (Wrox Professional Guides)

Developers, build mobile Android apps using Android 4

The fast-growing popularity of Android smartphones and tablets creates a huge opportunities for developers. If you're an experienced developer, you can start creating robust mobile Android apps right away with this professional guide to Android 4 application...

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Handbook: Production and Processes (Pharmaceutical Development Series)
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Handbook: Production and Processes (Pharmaceutical Development Series)
This Handbook of Manufacturing Techniques focuses on a new aspect of the drug development challenge: producing and administering the physical drug products that we hope are going to provide valuable new pharmacotherapeutic tools in medicine. These 34 chapters cover the full range of approaches to developing and producing new...
Oracle BAM 11gR1 Handbook
Oracle BAM 11gR1 Handbook
An integral component of Oracle SOA and BPM Suite, Oracle BAM Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) ultimately empowers business executives to react quickly to the changing business situations. BAM enables business service and process monitoring through real-time data streaming and operational reports, and this book helps you to...
Griffon in Action
Griffon in Action
As soon as I heard about Griffon in Action, I was eager to get it into my hands. What I expected was a typical Manning In Action book: providing an easy jump start, working from actionable examples, and providing lots of insight about the technology at hand. It turned out that this book not only lived up to my...
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