 Monkey Game Development Beginners Guide
Welcome to Monkey Game Development Beginner's Guide. This book will teach you
(as a step-by-step guide) how to develop 2D games with Monkey. With eight sample
games included, the book covers a great range of the toolset and important game
development techniques. You will also learn how to deploy your games to mobile... |  |  Windows Phone 7 XNA Cookbook
Windows Phone certainly held the hot spot at the world-class consumer electronics event,
the International CES in January 2012. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said, “The past year has
really been about the whole push to build what can clearly be the strong third ecosystem in
the smartphone market, with a very differentiated... |  |  Content is Currency: Developing Powerful Content for Web and Mobile
Content. It’s become a very powerful word in the Internet age, empowering people everywhere to have a voice. Through words, video, audio, and all its other forms, content tells the story of your product or service and propels your brand into the hearts and minds of your prospects, customers, and others. Without content, the web would... |
 Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Programming
OUT OF EVERY ENDING COMES the beginning of something new. This title has been Rob Vieira’s
for many years, and now he’s wrapping up that chapter of his life while I begin a new chapter of
my own — and the fi rst chapter of this text. Likewise, you, as a reader, are also entering something
of a transition; you know... |  |  Manufacturing Processes for Advanced Composites
This book deals is intended for anyone wishing to learn more about the
materials and manufacturing processes used to fabricate and assemble
advanced composites. Although advanced composites can mean many
different types of fibers in either polymer, metal or ceramic matrices, this
book deals with the three main fibers (glass,... |  |  Electric Power Research Trends
The world is becoming increasingly electrified. For the foreseeable future, coal will
continue to be the dominant fuel used for electric power production. The low cost and
abundance of coal is one of the primary reasons for this. Electric power transmission, a
process in the delivery of electricity to consumers, is the bulk... |
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