 CCNP Security IPS 642-627 Official Cert Guide
Learn, prepare, and practice for exam success
CCNP Security IPS 642-627 Official Cert Guide is a best-of-breed Cisco exam study guide that focuses specifically on the objectives for the CCNP Security IPS exam. Senior security engineers David Burns,... |  |  Graphics and Visualization: Principles & Algorithms
Graphics & Visualization: Principles and Algorithms is aimed at undergraduate
and graduate students taking computer graphics and visualization courses. Students
in computer-aided design courses with emphasis on visualization will also
benefit from this text, since mathematical modeling techniques with parametric
curves and... |  |  Using Mac OS X Lion Server: Managing Mac Services at Home and Office
People often ask me if I think Apple is a company that knows how to make a good
server. My answer is usually a little longer than what those people probably had in
mind. Tim Berners-Lee wrote the first web server in 1989 on a computer running the
NeXTSTEP operating system. At the time, NeXTSTEP was a fledgling, ... |
 Exam 98-366: MTA Networking Fundamentals (Microsoft Official Academic Course)
Welcome to the Microsoft Official Academic Course (MOAC) program for Networking
Fundamentals. MOAC represents the collaboration between Microsoft Learning and John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. publishing company. Microsoft and Wiley teamed up to produce a series
of textbooks that deliver compelling and innovative teaching solutions to... |  |  SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Architect's Guidebook
MICROSOFT COLLABORATION and companion development technologies have really come a long
way over the past 20 years. Over this time, many different technologies have come and gone in
the blink of an eye. Others have built up momentum, improving with each new version, providing
valuable new features to meet the ever-increasing digital... |  |  |
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