This text presents the most comprehensive treatment of the Go programming language you can
find. It draws on the whole spectrum of Go sources available: online documentation and blogs,
books, articles, audio and video, and my own experience in software engineering and teaching
programming languages and databases, organizing the...
This book should be the fi rst one you read to learn the SystemVerilog verifi cation
language constructs. It describes how the language works and includes many examples
on how to build a basic coverage-driven, constrained-random, layered testbench
using Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). The book has many guidelines
on building...
Apple was the only computer company whose sales actually increased during the
recession. The Mac’s market share has quadrupled since 2005—it’s now around 20
percent of computer sales in the U.S. And then there’s the most...
It’s a visual world these days. Want your Facebook friends to see what you’re having
for lunch? Post a picture. Need an extra whatchamacallit from the hardware
store? Just show them a photo. It’s just so much easier than trying to describe
such things with words. Everybody has a digital camera now....
It may be hard to imagine, but once upon a time, pages on the World Wide Web
didn’t have pictures, let alone animations, videos, and interactive graphics. All these
elements were added through trial, error, debate, and debunk. Changes came when
brave souls (like you) forged ahead and made things work with the...
Web Workers is a powerful feature of HTML5 that hasn’t received very much attention.
It provides an API that allows you to run JavaScript in a separate thread that doesn’t
interfere with the user interface of your web application. This JavaScript runs in parallel
with the main renderer and any of your...
Recent events worldwide have again highlighted the need for
effective emergency measures for hazards connected with the
process industries and the large scale storage of dangerous
substances. The Commission of the European Communities, DG
XI, in collaboration with the JRC Ispra Establishment, has
therefore organised the...
One has only to read a newspaper or magazine to realize the importance of
energy at this early juncture of the 21st century. It will surely become more
critical as world demand for oil continues to increase and its supply peaks
and begins to fall.
Industrialized nations have become addicted to an ever-increasing...
Industry imposes stringent requirements on the quality of powder materials used in many areas of technology. To satisfy these requirements, it is necessary to overcome technical problems and find solutions of the problems, in most cases by the application of highly efficient separation processes.
While the study of granular materials has an old and distinguished history, this
history has only recently included large numbers of physicists. What explains the
upsurge in the interest in the physics of granular materials over the past 15 years?
While this is perhaps a question best left to historians or sociologists of science,...
In the engineering world, many ideas and plans are conceived in the
information exchanges that occur over lunch. In the summer of 1997, one of
the editors (Shin Hwa Li) was assigned to assist our CMP module at the
Crolles facility of STMicroelectronics near Grenoble, France. One day, in
the company cafeteria, while sitting near...
.NET Gadgeteer is a wonderful system for constructing prototypes of electronic
gadgets. It is supported by a range of modules that are connected to
a Mainboard with plug-in cables.
This book will lead you through the process of installing the necessary software
onto your computer and then take...