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Adaptive Web Design: Crafting Rich Experiences with Progressive Enhancement
Adaptive Web Design: Crafting Rich Experiences with Progressive Enhancement
One glorious afternoon in March, 2006, as a friend and I hurried past Austin’s Downtown Hilton Hotel to catch the next session of the SXSW Interactive Festival, a young stranger arrested our progress. With no introduction or preliminaries, he announced that he was available to speak at An Event Apart, a conference for web designers that...
IBM System Storage Solutions Handbook
IBM System Storage Solutions Handbook

This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides overviews and pointers for information about the most current IBM System StorageTM products, showing how IBM delivers the right mix of products for nearly every aspect of business continuance and business efficiency. IBM System Storage products can help you store, safeguard, retrieve, and share...

Algorithms: Sequential, Parallel, and Distributed
Algorithms: Sequential, Parallel, and Distributed
The objectives of this book are to provide a solid foundation for the classical the ory of sequential algorithms and to cover some of the most important recent al gorithmic developments, including the rapidly advancing theory of parallel and distributed algorithms. The book is intended to serve as a text for a core upper...
MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-647): Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Administrator
MCITP Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-647): Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Administrator
This training kit is designed for enterprise administrators who have several years’ experience managing the overall IT environment and architecture of medium to large organizations and who plan to take the Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional (MCITP) 70-647 exam. As an enterprise...
Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning
Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning
We live in a world that is rich in data, ever increasing in scale. This data comes from many di erent sources in science (bioinformatics, astronomy, physics, environmental monitoring) and commerce (customer databases, nancial transactions, engine monitoring, speech recognition, surveillance, search). Possessing the knowledge as to...
jQuery: Novice to Ninja
jQuery: Novice to Ninja
No matter what kind of ninja you are—a cooking ninja, a corporate lawyer ninja, or an actual ninja ninja—virtuosity lies in first mastering the basic tools of the trade. Once conquered, it’s then up to the full-fledged ninja to apply that knowledge in creative and inventive ways.

Fluent C# (Other Sams)
Fluent C# (Other Sams)

This book doesn’t look much like other technical tutorials, does it? Well, for once, looks aren’t deceiving, because Fluent Learning books aren’t much like other technical tutorials. We don’t want to teach you things.

We want to help you learn things. We’ve done a lot of research...

Evolutionary Algorithms in Molecular Design (Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry)
Evolutionary Algorithms in Molecular Design (Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry)
Nature has solved its most complicated problem, the creation, variation, and improvement of living organisms, in a simple and efficient manner. Starting from primitive forms in earth history, mutation and crossover produced variations that had to struggle for their existence and to compete with their ancestors and genetically...
Fatigue of Structures and Materials
Fatigue of Structures and Materials
Fatigue of structures and materials covers a wide scope of different topics. The purpose of the present book is to explain these topics, to indicate how they can be analyzed, and how this can contribute to the designing of fatigue resistant structures and to prevent structural fatigue problems in service.

This book is...

Field Emission in Vacuum Microelectronics (Microdevices)
Field Emission in Vacuum Microelectronics (Microdevices)
The field electron emission (FEE) is a unique quantum-mechanical effect of electrons tunneling from a condensed matter (solid or liquid) into vacuum. The efficiency of this emission process is tens of millions of times higher than in other known emission processes. The extremely high current density in FEE and the fact that no...
Frying: Improving quality (Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition)
Frying: Improving quality (Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition)
Pan-frying and deep-frying have been very popular and ancient methods of food preparations for more than 4000 years. Pre-fried and fried food products like potato crisps, fish fingers or French fries have become a main component of our diet. It is estimated that the total usage of frying fats and oils in restaurants,...
BlackBerry Application Development For Dummies (For Dummies (Lifestyles Paperback))
BlackBerry Application Development For Dummies (For Dummies (Lifestyles Paperback))

The advent and growing popularity of BlackBerry smartphones has changed how corporate users communicate whenever away from their offices. No longer tied to their landline phones, no longer glued to their desktop PCs, corporate users could stay in touch via voice and e-mail as long as cellphone reception was available. Then, Research In Motion...

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