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Android UI Fundamentals: Develop &Design (Develop and Design)
Android UI Fundamentals: Develop &Design (Develop and Design)
There is a revolution happening in the technology industry. Touchscreen interfaces, combined with low-cost and ubiquitous smartphones, have created a perfect storm for disruptive innovation. Android is at the forefront of this change, bringing a free and open-source platform on which developers can create the next generation of...
Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Classroom in a Book
Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Classroom in a Book

Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Classroom in a Book is the most thorough and comprehensive way for you to master all the new features in Adobe's top-rated consumer-targeted photo-editing software. Each chapter in this step-by-step, project-based guide contains a project that builds on your growing knowledge of the program, while...

Creating Android Applications: Develop and Design
Creating Android Applications: Develop and Design
If you’ve got a burning idea for an application that you’re dying to share, or if you recognize the power and possibilities of the Android platform, you’ve come to the right place. This is a short book on an immense topic.

I don’t mean to alarm anyone right off the bat here, but let me be
Animating Real-Time Game Characters (Charles River Media Game Development)
Animating Real-Time Game Characters (Charles River Media Game Development)
Greetings! Thanks for buying or considering this book. Investing your money in books like this is not an easy decision. There are many to choose from and many to consider.

My intent in writing Animating Real-Time Game Characters has been to share my work methods, thoughts, and ideas about animating real-time
Still Image and Video Compression with MATLAB
Still Image and Video Compression with MATLAB
The term “video compression” is now a common household name. The field of still image and video compression has matured to the point that it is possible to watch movies on a laptop computer. Such is the rapidity at which technology in various fields has advanced and is advancing. However, this creates a need for some to...
A Practical Guide for SystemVerilog Assertions
A Practical Guide for SystemVerilog Assertions
When Gateway Design Automation, Inc. created Verilog in the mid- 1980's, the process of integrated circuit design was very different than it is today. The role of Verilog, as well as its capability, has evolved since its inception into today's SystemVerilog.

SystemVerilog language consists of three categories of...

iPhone Game Development (Developer Reference)
iPhone Game Development (Developer Reference)

New Apple Developer Series!

A technical and business guide to creating and selling iPhone games

If you've always wanted to develop a cool iPhone game application and sell it for big bucks, this book is for you. iPhone Game Development covers all technical and commercial bases, from how to sign up...

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Unleashed
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Unleashed

Microsoft® Dynamics CRM 2011 Unleashed presents start-to-finish guidance for planning, customizing, deploying, integrating, managing, and securing the newest version of Dynamics CRM. Authored by three leading Microsoft Dynamics implementers, it illuminates new opportunities to deploy CRM as a hosted service (SaaS), integrate with...

MOS 2010 Study Guide for Microsoft® Excel
MOS 2010 Study Guide for Microsoft® Excel

Desktop computing proficiency is increasingly important in today’s business world. As a result, when screening, hiring, and training employees, employers can feel reassured by relying on the objectivity and consistency of technology certification to ensure the competence of their workforce. As an employee or job seeker, you can use...

Instant Pain Control: Using the Body's Trigger Points
Instant Pain Control: Using the Body's Trigger Points
The framework of the human body is held together by a substance known as fascia. This is a connective tissue which envelops the muscles, nerves and blood vessels and which gives cohesion and order to the myriad components of the body, It allows movement between adjacent structures and reduces the effects of pressure and...
A Practical Guide to Designing the Invisible (Practical Guide Series)
A Practical Guide to Designing the Invisible (Practical Guide Series)
I’m fascinated by how much we are influenced by the media and indeed how much they make us think we are in control of our own decisions. Are we really in control though? I’m not so sure because despite being a media savvy species, there are subliminal forces at work affecting our moods, buying habits and emotions....
The Adobe Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers
The Adobe Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers

Scott Kelby was honored with Professional Photographer magazine’s highly coveted 2008 Hot One Award for The Adobe Photoshop CS3 Book for Digital Photographers. Here’s what Jeff Kent, the Hot One Editor at Professional Photographer, has to say about the book: “In a how-to published by Peachpit Press, Scott Kelby,...

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