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CCSP CSPFA Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 642-521)
CCSP CSPFA Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 642-521)

The Exam Cram Method of study focuses on exactly what you need to get certified now.

Welcome to CSPFA Exam Cram 2 (642-521)! Whether this is your 1st or 15th Exam Cram 2 series book, you'll find information here that will help ensure your success as you pursue knowledge, experience, and
Deploying Visual FoxPro Solutions
Deploying Visual FoxPro Solutions

A comprehensive resource for setting up, installing, maintaining, and distributing software written in Visual FoxPro, this guide will help developers launch a successful application deployment.

Ship it! Music to your ears or words that cause a cold sweat as you realize you now need to deploy the solution you...

Publishing a Blog with Blogger : Visual QuickProject Guide
Publishing a Blog with Blogger : Visual QuickProject Guide

Writing in a journal is all well and good, but when you're ready to share your musings with the world (and you think the world is ready to receive them!), a blog is the way to go. As the latest phenomenon to grow out of the Web, the blog (or Web log) is a diary...

The 7 Steps of Spiritual Intelligence : The Practical Pursuit of Purpose, Success and Happiness
The 7 Steps of Spiritual Intelligence : The Practical Pursuit of Purpose, Success and Happiness

Through the 7 steps outlined in this text, along with explanations through positive psychology and brain science, as well as real-life case studies, learn to unite brain and consciousness to realize your maximum potential.

Spiritual intelligence (SQ) is about discovering the “why” of what we do...

Syndicating Web Sites with RSS Feeds For Dummies
Syndicating Web Sites with RSS Feeds For Dummies
Get your site noticed and bring your visitors back

Market your business, promote your blog, and make RSS work for you

In the beginning was the Internet, and then there was too much e-mail. Now there's RSS, a win-win solution for both Web sites and their visitors, and this book is your ticket to jump on the bandwagon! It helps you...

Analysis of Genes and Genomes
Analysis of Genes and Genomes
 Analysis of Genes and Genomes is a clear introduction to the theoretical and practical basis of genetic engineering, gene cloning and molecular biology. All aspects of genetic engineering in the post-genomic era are covered, beginning with the basics of DNA structure and DNA metabolism. Using an example-driven approach, the...
Microsoft(r) Visual C#(R) 2005 Express Edition: Build a Program Now!
Microsoft(r) Visual C#(R) 2005 Express Edition: Build a Program Now!
Visual C# 2005 Express and the other Visual Studio 2005
Express Edition products are, in my opinion, one of the best
and most intelligent ideas to come out from Developer
Division here at Microsoft. I’m applauding and cheering
for the people who had this brilliant idea because I believe
there is a real need and demand
Adobe Premiere Elements for Dummies
Adobe Premiere Elements for Dummies
Once, only professionals with expensive tools could create digital videos. Now, with Adobe Premiere Elements and this book, you can create movies without a huge budget or a film school degree. This friendly guide shows you all the digital filmmaking steps from shooting video to getting it into your computer, editing your clips, adding music, and...
The First-time Manager
The First-time Manager
So, what exactly is a new manager supposed to do? You have no
doubt met bosses who feel that their job is to tell others what to
do. Unfortunately, these managers really have not learned what
their role is. It is not to direct people, although some of that may
be needed. Rather, management should be the process of getting...
Working with Microsoft ISA Server 2004
Working with Microsoft ISA Server 2004
ISA Server 2004 provides secure, fast, and controllable Internet connectivity. ISA Server 2004
provides various ISA Server services, such as Job Scheduler and Firewall, to implement security on
the network. ISA Server provides a service called the Web cache solution. The Web cache stores
the Web content, which a client requests from
Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering: Understanding the Promise of the Future
Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering: Understanding the Promise of the Future
This book is aimed at the computer-literate person who wishes to find out about the reality of exploiting
the promise of artificial intelligence in practical, maintainable software systems. It cuts through the
hype, so commonly associated with discussions of artificial intelligence, and presents the realities, both
the promise and
DB2 Developer's Guide (4th Edition)
DB2 Developer's Guide (4th Edition)
DB2 Developer's Guide, Fourth Edition is completely revised and updated, covering all the new features for Version 6 for OS/390. It includes a special chapter on how changes to the product impact its use. This book clarifies complex DB2 topics, provides performance and procedural advice for implementing well-designed DB2 applications, and describes...
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