 Smart Devices and Machines for Advanced Manufacturing
Manufacturing has been one of the key areas that support and influence a nation’s
economy since the 18th century. Being the primary driving force in economic
growth, manufacturing constantly serves as the foundation of and contributes to
other industries. In the past centuries, manufacturing has contributed to the modern... |  |  |  |  Concrete Design to EN 1992, Second Edition
This book conforms with the latest recommendations for the design of reinforced
and prestressed concrete structures as described in Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete
Structures – Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings. References to relevant
clauses of the Code are given where appropriate.
Where... |
 Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Business Application Blueprints
This book will dive into a diverse set of real-world scenarios to deliver sample business
solutions that can serve as the foundation for your own solutions. It draws from the
author's extensive experience with SharePoint to leverage the platform's underlying
services to provide solutions that can support social... |  |  |  |  Adobe InDesign CS6 Classroom in a Book
Welcome to Adobe® InDesign® CS6, a powerful design and production application
that offers precision, control, and seamless integration with other Adobe professional
graphics software. Using InDesign, you can produce professional-quality, full-color
documents on high-volume color printing presses, or print to a range of... |
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