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Sonar Code Quality Testing Essentials
Sonar Code Quality Testing Essentials
Developers continuously strive to achieve higher levels of source code quality. It is the holy grail in the software development industry. Sonar is an all-out platform confronting quality from numerous aspects as it covers quality on seven axes, provides an abundance of hunting tools to pinpoint code defects, and continuously...
Learn GameSalad for iOS: Game Development for iPhone, iPad, and HTML5 (Learn Apress)
Learn GameSalad for iOS: Game Development for iPhone, iPad, and HTML5 (Learn Apress)
In 2007, Apple revolutionized our way of living by introducing the iPhone, but most important was the birth of iOS. Today, iOS is used in the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Via the App Store, a new business model has emerged that offers more than 500,000 applications and games, resulting in 25 billion downloads. This new business...
Adobe Flash Professional CS6 Classroom in a Book
Adobe Flash Professional CS6 Classroom in a Book


Adobe Flash Professional CS6 provides a comprehensive authoring environment for creating interactive and media-rich applications. Flash is widely used to create engaging projects integrating video, sound, graphics, and animation. You can create original content in Flash or import assets from other Adobe...

Tab Electronics Guide to Understanding Electricity and Electronics
Tab Electronics Guide to Understanding Electricity and Electronics

When I was 10 years old, I purchased an introductory electronics book at a local pharmacy. I cherished this book because I knew it contained marvelous and fascinating knowledge about electronics—an awesome, mysterious, and exciting field that was to become the literal foundation of the next step in human progress. Unfortunately, after...

The Human Central Nervous System: A Synopsis and Atlas
The Human Central Nervous System: A Synopsis and Atlas
The human central nervous system or neuraxis consists of the brain (encephalon) and the spinal cord (medulla spinalis). The brain is encased by the skull; the spinal cord lies within the spinal canal, extending from the foramen magnum to the level of the second lumbar vertebra. Globally, the brain can be subdivided into...
Starting Strength (2nd edition)
Starting Strength (2nd edition)
Many things have happened since I started the writing of Starting Strength: A Simple and Practical Guide for Coaching Beginners in 2004. As a result of its publication I have had the opportunity to meet and learn from many new people. It is my sincerest hope that the additions to this book that are the direct result of their input...
Beyond Constructivism: Models and Modeling Perspectives on Mathematics Problem Solving, Learning, and Teaching
Beyond Constructivism: Models and Modeling Perspectives on Mathematics Problem Solving, Learning, and Teaching
This book evolved out of research that began more than 25 years ago, based on a National Science Foundation-supported project investigating the question: what is needed, beyond having a mathematical idea that enables students to use it in everyday problem-solving situations! (Lesh, Landau, & Hamilton, 1983). Large portions...
The Archaeology of Athens
The Archaeology of Athens
The city of Athens has played a leading role in the development of European civilization. When we look back through time to the origins of so many of the institutions and activities which thrive or are valued today, we are led to ancient Greece and, most often, to Athens in the Classical period (480–323 B.C.). Time and again...
Fabrication of SiGe HBT BiCMOS Technology
Fabrication of SiGe HBT BiCMOS Technology
While the idea of cleverly using silicon–germanium (SiGe) and silicon (Si) strained-layer epitaxy to practice bandgap engineering of semiconductor devices in the highly manufacturable Si material system is an old one, only in the past decade has this concept become a practical reality. The final success of creating novel Si...
Characterization of Semiconductor Heterostructures and Nanostructures
Characterization of Semiconductor Heterostructures and Nanostructures

Characterization of Semiconductor Heterostructures and Nanostructures” is structured so that each chapter is devoted to a specific characterization technique used in the understanding of the properties (structural, physical, chemical, electrical etc..) of semiconductor quantum wells and superlattices. An additional chapter is...

Android Arcade Game App: A Real World Project - Case Study Approach
Android Arcade Game App: A Real World Project - Case Study Approach
Welcome to Android Arcade Game App. In this book, you will learn how to create an Android arcade-style game “from project to publish.” While I will walk you through solutions to some gaming development problems, this book is not necessarily for beginner developers.

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Mobile JavaScript Application Development: Bringing Web Programming to Mobile Devices
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