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Advanced Host Intrusion Prevention with CSA
Advanced Host Intrusion Prevention with CSA
The Cisco Security Agent product is extremely successful in protecting endpoints around the world. The power it
provides must be understood to use it effectively and efficiently. This book attempts to provide guidance and examples
to help CSA users worldwide do just that.

This book is intended for anyone currently using the CSA
Raman Amplification in Fiber Optical Communication Systems (Optics and Photonics)
Raman Amplification in Fiber Optical Communication Systems (Optics and Photonics)
This book provides a comprehensive description of the Raman amplification technique as it is applied to telecommunication systems. It covers both the fundamental and the applied aspects and is intended to serve both as a useful reference for researchers engaged in the field and as a teaching manual for those who are planning to enter this exciting...
Electrical Engineer's Portable Handbook
Electrical Engineer's Portable Handbook

This quick-look-up working tool, packed with tables, charts, and checklists, takes the guesswork out of almost any electrical design task or calculation. Indispensable for electrical engineers, designers, and technicians, the Handbook provides immediate fingertip...

Teach Yourself Unix in 24 Hours
Teach Yourself Unix in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself UNIX in 24 Hours, Second Edition is designed to take users from novice to accomplished user in just 24 one-hour sessions. Written by experts in the field, Sams Teach Yourself UNIX in 24 Hours, Second Edition starts off with an introduction to UNIX, then covers file handling, pipes and filters, the vi and EMACS text editors,...
Design of System on a Chip : Devices & Components
Design of System on a Chip : Devices & Components
Design of System on a Chip is the first of two volumes addressing the design challenges associated with new generations of the semiconductor technology. The various chapters are the compilations of tutorials presented at workshops in Brazil in the recent years by prominent authors from all over the world. In particular the first...
How to Do Everything with Photoshop 7
How to Do Everything with Photoshop 7

Harness the power of Photoshop to create beautiful looking images effortlessly. Tackle common problems and technical issues, edit and enhance existing artwork--plus experiment with new ideas and methods to create entirely new visual scenes and schemas. Familiarize yourself with the Photoshop interface and tool palette, then follow along as...

Network Security with OpenSSL
Network Security with OpenSSL
OpenSSL is a popular and effective open source version of SSL/TLS, the most widely used protocol for secure network communications. The only guide available on the subject, Network Security with OpenSSLdetails the challenges in securing network communications, and shows you how to use OpenSSL tools to best meet those challenges. Focused on the...
SSH, The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide
SSH, The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide
Secure your computer network with SSH! With transparent, strong encryption, reliable public-key authentication, and a highly configurable client/server architecture, SSH (Secure Shell) is a popular, robust, TCP/IP-based solution to many network security and privacy concerns. It supports secure remote logins, secure file transfer between computers,...
Apache Jakarta-Tomcat
Apache Jakarta-Tomcat
When I began this text, Tomcat was at version 4.0 beta 1. It has come a long way between
beta 1 and the final release, and each release included additional functionality and improved
performance. The Tomcat team has really done a great job. They have successfully created
a product that is on par with, or above, all other Java Web
Microsoft  Visual Basic  2005 Express Edition: Build a Program Now!
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition: Build a Program Now!
In this lively, eye-opening, and hands-on book, all you need is a computer and the desire to learn how to program with Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition. Featuring a full working edition of the software, this fun and highly visual guide walks you through a complete programming project—a desktop weather-reporting application—from start...
Beginning Java EE 5: From Novice to Professional
Beginning Java EE 5: From Novice to Professional
This book is mainly aimed at people who already have knowledge of standard Java and have
been developing small, client-side applications for the desktop. If you have read and absorbed
the information contained in an entry-level book such as Ivor Horton’s Beginning Java 2 (Wrox,
2004; ISBN 0-7645-6874-4), then you will be well
Visual Basic Design Patterns VB 6.0 and VB.NET
Visual Basic Design Patterns VB 6.0 and VB.NET

Design patterns provide programmers with a convenient way to reuse object-oriented code across projects and between programmers, offering easy, time-saving solutions to commonly recurring problems in software design. A practical guide to writing Visual Basic (VB6 and VB.NET) programs using some of the most common design patterns,...

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