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Programming Hive
Programming Hive
Programming Hive introduces Hive, an essential tool in the Hadoop ecosystem that provides an SQL (Structured Query Language) dialect for querying data stored in the Hadoop Distributed Filesystem (HDFS), other filesystems that integrate with Hadoop, such as MapR-FS and Amazon’s S3 and databases like HBase (the...
Photoshop Elements 11: The Missing Manual
Photoshop Elements 11: The Missing Manual
When Photoshop Elements was first released back in 2001, it became a runaway success. It’s easy to see why: Elements gives people all the tools they need to get the very best from their photographs. It lets you take a ho-hum shot and give it some wow. If you run a graphics studio or a large professional...
DevOps for Developers
DevOps for Developers

DevOps for Developers delivers a practical, thorough introduction to approaches, processes and tools to foster collaboration between software development and operations. Efforts of Agile software development often end at the transition phase from development to operations. This book covers the delivery of software, this means...

HTML: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques (Shelly Cashman)
HTML: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques (Shelly Cashman)
The Shelly Cashman Series® offers the fi nest textbooks in computer education. We are proud of the fact that our previous HTML books have been so well received. With each new edition of our HTML books, we have made signifi cant improvements based on the comments made by instructors and students. The HTML, Fifth Edition books...
Learning Unix for OS X Mountain Lion: Using Unix and Linux Tools at the Command Line
Learning Unix for OS X Mountain Lion: Using Unix and Linux Tools at the Command Line
It’s been a long time since we went through the dramatic transition from Mac OS 9 to the more complicated and graphically rich world of OS X. Many of you reading this have never known a Mac interface that wasn’t actually OS X (pronounce that “oh-ess ten” to sound cool). The biggest change...
Enterprise Games: Using Game Mechanics to Build a Better Business
Enterprise Games: Using Game Mechanics to Build a Better Business
We are living in a time of big changes. We face changes driven by powerful forces like world population growth; rising prices for food, fuel, and raw materials; depletion of natural resources; and increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. And at the very same time, we are also surrounded by the...
Pro Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2012 (Professional Apress)
Pro Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2012 (Professional Apress)

You can have the best coders in the world working in your teams, but if your project management isn’t up to scratch, your project is almost certain to be delayed, to come in over budget, and in some cases to fail entirely. By taking precise control of your application development process, you can make changes, both large and small,...

Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures: Threats and Defense Mechanisms (EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (Ceh))
Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures: Threats and Defense Mechanisms (EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (Ceh))
Hacking and electronic crimes sophistication has grown at an exponential rate in recent years. In fact, recent reports have indicated that cyber crime already surpasses the illegal drug trade! Unethical hackers, better known as black hats, are preying on information systems of government, corporate, public, and private networks and...
Computer Forensics: Investigation Procedures and Response (Ec-Council Press Series : Computer Series)
Computer Forensics: Investigation Procedures and Response (Ec-Council Press Series : Computer Series)
Hacking and electronic crimes sophistication has grown at an exponential rate in recent years. In fact, recent reports have indicated that cyber crime already surpasses the illegal drug trade! Unethical hackers, better known as black hats, are preying on information systems of government, corporate, public, and private networks and...
How to Create the Next Facebook: Seeing Your Startup Through, from Idea to IPO
How to Create the Next Facebook: Seeing Your Startup Through, from Idea to IPO

In just under a decade, Facebook has gone from a Harvard prodigy's dorm-room experiment to an essential part of the social life of hundreds of millions of children, teens, and adults across the globe. It's no surprise, then, that the company has been the subject of countless magazine articles, books, and even movies. But despite the...

Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in VB (Beginning Apress)
Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in VB (Beginning Apress)
ASP.NET is Microsoft’s platform for developing web applications. Using ASP.NET, you can create e-commerce shops, data-driven portal sites, and just about anything else you can find on the Internet. Best of all, you don’t need to paste together a jumble of HTML and script code in order to program the Web. Instead, you can...
SQL Server 2012 Integration Services Design Patterns
SQL Server 2012 Integration Services Design Patterns
For me, one of the great pleasures of working at Microsoft was shepherding new products from concept to release. However, it was even more fulfilling to witness the birth and growth of new communities of users, for what is a product without a user? Just bits and bytes on a disk. In my role as Group Product Manager of the SQL Server Integration...
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