 MPLS and VPN Architectures, Vol. 2MPLS and VPN Architectures, Volume II, builds on the best-selling MPLS and VPN Architectures, Volume I (1-58705-002-1), from Cisco Press. Extending into more advanced topics and deployment architectures, Volume II provides readers with the necessary tools they need to deploy and maintain a secure, highly available VPN.
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 Multi-Agent Programming : Languages, Platforms and ApplicationsAgent technology, in particular multi-agent systems, is beginning to play an important role in today's software development at industrial level. Until recently, the main focus of the multi-agent systems community has been on the development of concepts, architectures, interaction techniques, and general approaches to the... |  |  Focal Easy Guide to Maya 5 : For new users and professionalsAlias’ Maya 5.0 is an incredibly powerful and deep program. A person could work for months in the program and then one day accidentally stumble upon a feature that they had no idea was there. Often people working in Maya become so focused on one particular area that, if asked to work with a toolset different to those they... |  |  Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)Its power and short learning curve have made Access Microsoft’s leading consumer relational database management system for desktop applications. VBA lets you tap more of that power, responding to application level events, displaying forms and reports, manipulating toolbars, and much more.
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 Alan Simpson's Windows XP BibleIf Windows XP can do it, you can do it too … With a new kernel, a new interface, and loads of new multimedia and connectivity features, Windows XP is the most significant Windows upgrade since Windows 95. Written by renowned Windows guru Alan Simpson, this soup-to-nuts guide is just what you need to master XP, whether you want to customize... |  |  XML Pocket Reference (2nd Edition)
The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a documentpr ocessing standard that is an official recommendation of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the same group responsible for overseeing the HTML standard. Many expect XML and its sibling technologies to become the markup language of choice for dynamically generated content, including... |  |  Java and XML Data BindingMore Java developers today want to work with XML, the technology that enables data to be transported intact over the Internet, but they don't have time to become XML experts. If this describes you, then you'll appreciate data binding, the new way of converting XML documents into Java objects, so those documents can be worked on and manipulated like... |
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