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SPSS for Starters, Part 2 (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)
SPSS for Starters, Part 2 (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)
The small book ‘‘SPSS for Starters’’ issued in 2010 presented 20 chapters of cookbook like step by step data-analyses of clinical research, and was written to help clinical investigators and medical students analyze their data without the help of a statistician. The book served its purpose well enough, since...
PHP & MySQL: The Missing Manual
PHP & MySQL: The Missing Manual
Given that you’re reading this book, the chances are good that you’ve built a web page in HTML. You’ve styled it by using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and maybe written a little JavaScript to validate your custom-built web forms. If that wasn’t enough, you’ve learned a lot more...
Windows 8 Five Minutes at a Time
Windows 8 Five Minutes at a Time

Windows 8 represents the most radical change to Microsoft’s operating system since Windows 95 was released 17 years ago. With its new Start screen and interface, the latest version of Windows is an attempt to create a single operating system designed to run on both traditional PCs and tablets.

But no one likes change.

Microsoft Windows PowerShell 3.0 Firstlook
Microsoft Windows PowerShell 3.0 Firstlook
With PowerShell quickly becoming the de-facto standard for automation, on the Windows platform, it is becoming a necessity to learn and understand the language. Microsoft Windows PowerShell 3.0 First Look will ensure that you have a great overview of the numerous new features and changes found in the most recent version of the...
Proceedings of the Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence (Arlington, March 2009)
Proceedings of the Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence (Arlington, March 2009)
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) research focuses on the original and ultimate goal of AI – to create broad human-like and transhuman intelligence, by exploring all available paths, including theoretical and experimental computer science, cognitive science, neuroscience, and innovative interdisciplinary methodologies....
Augmented Reality using Appcelerator Titanium Starter
Augmented Reality using Appcelerator Titanium Starter
I first starting thinking about human/machine augmentations in 2000 when I started a company focused in the Telco software space. Initially, I focused on how to enable wireless content development, but at that time, devices were primitive. High speed networks hadn't fully taken on in many areas of the U.S. for mobile networks...
Hello! HTML5 & CSS3: A user-friendly reference guide
Hello! HTML5 & CSS3: A user-friendly reference guide
I first saw the web in my final year of university in 1993-94. All the cool kids (bear in mind, this was a Computer Science department) were playing with a strange bit of software called Mosaic on their Sun 4 workstations.

I had some fun with it and created my first web page (a guide to
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering)
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering)
The aim of this book is to teach computer programming using examples from mathematics and the natural sciences. We have chosen to use the Python programming language because it combines remarkable expressive power with very clean, simple, and compact syntax. Python is easy to learn and very well suited for an introduction to...
Open Problems in Network Security: IFIP WG 11.4 International Workshop, iNetSec 2011
Open Problems in Network Security: IFIP WG 11.4 International Workshop, iNetSec 2011
The international workshop iNetSec 2011 – Open Problems in Network Security— is dedicated to open problem and research directions on all aspects related to network security. It is the main workshop of working group WG 11.4 of the IFIP. This year, iNetSec was co-located with IFIP SEC 2011 in Lucerne on June 9 and...
Mathematical Programming: Theory and Methods
Mathematical Programming: Theory and Methods
This book is a result of my teaching mathematical programming to graduate students of the University of Delhi for over thirty years. In preparing this book, a special care has been made to see that it is self-contained and that it is suitable both as a text and as a reference.

The book is divided in three parts.
Fundamental Approach to Discrete Mathematics
Fundamental Approach to Discrete Mathematics

The salient features of this book include: strong coverage of key topics involving recurrence relation, combinatorics, Boolean algebra, graph theory and fuzzy set theory. Algorithms and examples integrated throughout the book to bring clarity to the fundamental concepts. Each concept and definition is followed by thoughtful examples. There is...

Emerging Web Services Technology, Volume II (Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies and Autonomic Computing)
Emerging Web Services Technology, Volume II (Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies and Autonomic Computing)
This 2nd volume on Emerging Web Services Technologies continues to follow the current research activities in the areas of Web Services and Service Oriented Architectures. By collecting the proceedings of the second Workshop of Emerging Web Services Technology 2007 it contains many examples of promising research activities...
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