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Blueprint for Project Recovery-A Project Management Guide: The Complete Process for Getting Derailed Projects
Blueprint for Project Recovery-A Project Management Guide: The Complete Process for Getting Derailed Projects

If you are part of a large business or are associated with the federal, state, or local government as an employee or as a contractor, this book has special meaning for you. It uses many federal policies, plans, processes, and standards as references. It uses these references for two reasons: first, they are thorough,...

The Little Black Book of Project Management
The Little Black Book of Project Management
This Little Black Book shows you how to take charge of a big project, define it, and then break it down into
smaller, more manageable phases. You will learn how to control a budget and schedule and lead a project
team through to successful completion. You will find out how to anticipate problems and plan for them during
the various
Windows XP All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Windows XP All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
9 books in 1—your key to Windows XP success!

Your one-stop guide to Windows XP, fully updated for Service Pack 2 enhancements

Whether you want to set up a reliable network in your home office or you just want to beat the computer at Solitaire, here's your guide! In one of these handy minibooks, you'll find exactly what you...

The IMS : IP Multimedia Concepts and Services in  the Mobile Domain
The IMS : IP Multimedia Concepts and Services in the Mobile Domain
We have telephony to talk to each other, messaging to dispatch mail or instant messages, browsing to read published content and search engines to locate content sites. However, current mobile networks do not provide the possibility for one application rich terminal to communicate with another in a peer-to-peer session beyond voice calls. Mobile...
Windows XP Timesaving Techniques For Dummies, Second Edition
Windows XP Timesaving Techniques For Dummies, Second Edition
Improve security, find files faster, and post pictures online

Over 70 techniques that help you save time by:

  • Customizing the desktop and Start menu
  • Speeding the restart or shutdown process
  • Preventing automatic program launches
  • Streamlining Outlook® Express
  • ...
Linux Bible : Boot Up to Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, SUSE, Ubuntu , and 7 Other Distributions
Linux Bible : Boot Up to Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, SUSE, Ubuntu , and 7 Other Distributions
Linux Bible 2006 Edition is here to open your eyes to what Linux is, where it came
from, and where it’s going. But, most of all, the book is here to hand you Linux and
help you get started. Because Linux is the operating system of free speech and free
choice, Linux Bible gives you choices in selecting the Linux that is right
Op Amp Applications Handbook (Analog Devices Series)
Op Amp Applications Handbook (Analog Devices Series)
Op Amp Applications Handbook is another book on the operational amplifi er, or op amp. As the name
implies, it covers the application of op amps, but does so on a broader scope. Thus it would be incorrect to
assume that this book is simply a large collection of app notes on various devices, as it is far more than that.
Any IC
The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses: The Basic Technology
The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses: The Basic Technology
This is the first in a series of three books about computer
viruses. In these volumes I want to challenge you to think in new
ways about viruses, and break down false concepts and wrong ways
of thinking, and go on from there to discuss the relevance of
computer viruses in today’s world. These books are not a call to a...
Programming Language Design Concepts
Programming Language Design Concepts
The first programming language I ever learned was ALGOL60. This language was
notable for its elegance and its regularity; for all its imperfections, it stood head and
shoulders above its contemporaries. My interest in languages was awakened, and
I began to perceive the benefits of simplicity and consistency in language design....
Write Great Code, Volume 2: Thinking Low-Level, Writing High-Level
Write Great Code, Volume 2: Thinking Low-Level, Writing High-Level
No prior knowledge of assembly language required!

In the beginning, most software was written in assembly, the CPU’s low-level language, in order to achieve acceptable performance on relatively slow hardware. Early programmers were sparing in their use of high-level language code, knowing that a high-level language compiler would...

Sockets, Shellcode, Porting, and Coding : Reverse Engineering Exploits and Tool Coding for Security Professionals
Sockets, Shellcode, Porting, and Coding : Reverse Engineering Exploits and Tool Coding for Security Professionals
In this groundbreaking book, best-selling author James C. Foster reveals for the first time the methods hackers use to attack and exploit the core components of operating systems and their applications. He provides working code and scripts in C/C++, Java, Perl, and NASL to detect and defend against the most dangerous attacks. The book covers in...
SUSE Linux10 Bible
SUSE Linux10 Bible

If you're looking to migrate to SUSE Linux or to enhance your existing SUSE system with new Version 10 features, this comprehensive guide is for you. Showcasing the latest releases of such SUSE Linux products as the Novell Open Enterprise Server, the Novell Linux Desktop, and the very popular OpenExchange Server, this book provides detailed...

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