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Computer and Machine Vision, Fourth Edition: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities
Computer and Machine Vision, Fourth Edition: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities

Computer and Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities (previously entitled Machine Vision) clearly and systematically presents the basic methodology of computer and machine vision, covering the essential elements of the theory while emphasizing algorithmic and practical design constraints. This fully revised fourth edition has...

Performance Dashboards: Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business
Performance Dashboards: Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business

The Power of FOCUS … Over the past several decades we all have been trying to use information through technology to optimize our businesses and make our lives easier. So why have so many businesses failed and why do most organizations continue to struggle to fi nd that “ competitive advantage ” that will take them to the...

Cost Management: Accounting and Control, 6th Edition
Cost Management: Accounting and Control, 6th Edition
Over the past twenty years, changes in the business environment have profoundly affected cost accounting and cost management. A few examples of these changes are an increased emphasis on providing value to customers, total quality management, time as a competitive element, advances in information and manufacturing technology,...
Project Workout: A Toolkit for reaping the rewards from all your business projects (3rd Edition)
Project Workout: A Toolkit for reaping the rewards from all your business projects (3rd Edition)
The forward progress of companies has always depended heavily on the management of projects. New plants, new products, new organizations, new methods, new ventures – all required dedicated teams working to strict timetables and separate budgets. But today there’s a vital difference. The project management mode has...
Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 represents a new generation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. With over 1,000 new features and prebuilt industry capabilities for manufacturing, distribution, services, retail, and public sector, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 provides a robust platform for developers to...
Fundamentals of Database Systems (6th Edition)
Fundamentals of Database Systems (6th Edition)

This book introduces the fundamental concepts necessary for designing, using, and implementing database systems and database applications. Our presentation stresses the fundamentals of database modeling and design, the languages and models provided by the database management systems, and database...

Differential Equations Workbook For Dummies
Differential Equations Workbook For Dummies
Too often, differential equations seem like torture. They seem so bad in fact that you may be tempted to cringe or shudder when you’re assigned homework that involves ’em. Differential Equations Workbook For Dummies may not get you to embrace differential equations with open arms, but it will improve your understanding...
The Confident Decision Maker: How to Make the Right Business and Personal Decisions Every Time
The Confident Decision Maker: How to Make the Right Business and Personal Decisions Every Time
James Michael Goldsmith, a millionaire living in Paris in the late 1950s, had everything going for him-he was the head of a successful pharmaceuticals company, Laboratoires Cassene, which in the three years since its inception had become one of France's greatest success stories; he had eloped with the beautiful heiress...
How to Build a Successful Blog Business
How to Build a Successful Blog Business

How to Build a Successful Blog Business is a straight forward guide to building a publishing business online that covers everything from choosing a niche to hiring staff, registering a business to selling it, finding traffic to monetizing it. Whether you are interested in creating an additional income stream or building a fully-fledged...

The Advertised Mind: Groundbreaking Insights into How Our Brains Respond to Advertising
The Advertised Mind: Groundbreaking Insights into How Our Brains Respond to Advertising

I was aware of the existence of this book (published in Dutch) even before Erik du Plessis’ company, Impact, became part of Millward Brown, and have since urged him to update it and get it published in English. The result is essentially a new book that expands on the original to provide new insight.

This book is unlike

Hacker's Delight (2nd Edition)
Hacker's Delight (2nd Edition)

In Hacker’s Delight, Second Edition, Hank Warren once again compiles an irresistible collection of programming hacks: timesaving techniques, algorithms, and tricks that help programmers build more elegant and efficient software, while also gaining deeper insights into their craft. Warren’s hacks...

Guide to Assembly Language: A Concise Introduction
Guide to Assembly Language: A Concise Introduction
The purpose of this text is to assist one in learning how to program in Intel assembly language in a minimal amount of time. In addition, through programming the reader learns more about the computer architecture of the Intel 32-bit processor and also the relationship between high-level languages and low-level languages.


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