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IMS Application Developer's Handbook: Creating and Deploying Innovative IMS Applications
IMS Application Developer's Handbook: Creating and Deploying Innovative IMS Applications
Many books have been written about IMS, so why do we think another is needed? Most of the existing books are written from the perspective of those who implement the technology, either network vendors or operators. There is no such focus for developers. The standards that form the basis of IMS are complex – as they are...
The Complete Manual of Typography: A Guide to Setting Perfect Type (2nd Edition)
The Complete Manual of Typography: A Guide to Setting Perfect Type (2nd Edition)

Note to customers: The print version of this book is highly formatted, and many pages contain examples that use a variety of approaches to text layout including the use of multiple fonts. The subtleties of this layout would be lost when converted to ePub, so we have chosen to offer this ebook only in PDF format, which keeps the page...

100% Mathematical Proof
100% Mathematical Proof

"Proof" has been and remains one of the concepts which characterises mathematics. Covering basic propositional and predicate logic as well as discussing axiom systems and formal proofs, the book seeks to explain what mathematicians understand by proofs and how they are communicated. The authors explore the principle techniques of...

Responsive Web Design (Brief Books for People Who Make Websites, No. 4)
Responsive Web Design (Brief Books for People Who Make Websites, No. 4)
Language has magical properties. The word “glamour”—which was originally a synonym for magic or spell-casting—has its origins in the word “grammar.” Of all the capabilities of language, the act of naming is the most magical and powerful of all.

The short history of web design has already
The Digital Matte Painting Handbook
The Digital Matte Painting Handbook

From an early age, I wanted to be an artist. I was drawn first to comic books and then to science-fiction literature because of the wondrous images that fed my artistic imagination. When I read Edgar Rice Burroughs, Robert Heinlein, and Isaac Asimov as an adolescent, I would spend as much time studying the covers as I did reading the books,...

Investing For Dummies
Investing For Dummies

During the financial crisis of 2008, things got scary. Large Wall Street firms were going under, stock prices were plummeting, and layoffs and unemployment rates were soaring. And, all this was happening in the midst of the 2008 presidential election. Talk of another Great Depression was in the air. In fact, polls showed a majority of...

Business Finance: Theory and Practice
Business Finance: Theory and Practice
This book attempts to deal with financing and investment decision making, with particular focus on the private sector of the UK economy. Its approach is to set out the theories that surround each area of financial decision making and relate these to what appears to happen in practice. Where theory and practice diverge, the book...
Jump Start CoffeeScript
Jump Start CoffeeScript
CoffeeScript is “a little language that compiles into JavaScript.”1 It aims to smooth over some of JavaScript’s rougher edges while highlighting and augmenting the impressive flexibility at the core of the JavaScript language. It’s clean, concise, and maintainable, and makes writing client-side code really, really...
Calculus with Analytic Geometry
Calculus with Analytic Geometry

Most students study calculus for its use as a tool in areas other than mathematics. They desire information about why calculus is important, and where andhow it can be applied. I kept these facts in mind as I wrote this text. In particular, when introducing new concepts I often refer to problems that are familiar to students and that require...

Capturing New Markets: How Smart Companies Create Opportunities Others Don't
Capturing New Markets: How Smart Companies Create Opportunities Others Don't

Hero of Alexandria had a great idea. In the first century ad, Hero’s design of the fi rst steam engine was ingenious and workable. Indeed, classical scholars have argued that it could have been combined with other inventions of the era to create a steam locomotive and railroad, transforming commerce and military affairs in the ancient...

C by Dissection: The Essentials of C Programming
C by Dissection: The Essentials of C Programming

This significantly revised edition has been carefully designed to meet the needs of readers new to C. The reader moves easily through the fundamentals of C and on to its latest applications by means of a time-tested explanatory tool called dissection, first developed by the authors in 1984. Dissection, a pedagogical method similar to a...

SAP SCM: Applications and Modeling for Supply Chain Management (with BW Primer)
SAP SCM: Applications and Modeling for Supply Chain Management (with BW Primer)

SAP SCM: Applications and Modeling for Supply Chain Management empowers you to capitalize on the sophistication of SAP APO. This book provides clear advice on the inevitable, critical decisions that can lead to project success or failure and shows you, wherever you are on the supply chain management staff—buyer, planner, ground...

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