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Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic (Perspectives in Logic)
Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic (Perspectives in Logic)
Foundations of mathematics is the study of the most basic concepts and logical structure ofmathematics, with an eye to the unity of human knowl- edge. Among the most basic mathematical concepts are: number, shape, set, function, algorithm, mathematical axiom, mathematical definition, and mathematical proof. Typical questions in...
Broadband Applications and the Digital Home (Btexact Communications Technology Series, 5)
Broadband Applications and the Digital Home (Btexact Communications Technology Series, 5)

This book explores the technological challenges and applications of providing fast, 'always on' internet connections to the home. Current delivery mechanisms of broadband into and around the home are explored in depth, as well as the current and emerging applications of the technology. The authors discuss what drives people to adopt...

Intermediate Algebra (Textbooks Available with Cengage Youbook)
Intermediate Algebra (Textbooks Available with Cengage Youbook)
Intermediate algebra is a bridge course. The course and its syllabus bring the student to the level of ability required of college students, while getting them ready to make a successful start in college algebra or precalculus.

Ideal for lecture-format courses taught at the post-secondary level, INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, Ninth...

Creating Database-Backed Library Web Pages: Using Open Source Tools
Creating Database-Backed Library Web Pages: Using Open Source Tools

Database-backed Web pages provide many advantages for libraries: users get accurate and up-to-date information in real time, and site maintenance and data publishing are much easier. As appealing an idea as database-backed pages are, the “how-tos” of creating them remain a mystery to many librarians.

This hands-on

The Young Entrepreneur's Guide to Starting and Running a Business (Completely Revised and Updated)
The Young Entrepreneur's Guide to Starting and Running a Business (Completely Revised and Updated)

It doesn't matter how old you are or where you're from; you can start a profitable business. The Young Entrepreneur's Guide to Starting and Running a Business will show you how. This completely updated edition is filled with real, inspirational stories of young people finding success in the business world -- from superstars...

Principles of Marketing, 12th Edition
Principles of Marketing, 12th Edition

The 12th edition of this popular text continues to build on four major marketing themes: building and managing profitable customer relationships, building and managing strong brands to create brand equity, harnessing new marketing technologies in the digital age, and marketing in a socially...

50 Battles That Changed the World
50 Battles That Changed the World
Any attempt to list the 50 most important battles in all history is necessarily subjective. To list them in order of importance is an even greater exercise of chutzpah. Nevertheless, people have been listing decisive battles since Sir Edward Creasy, a lawyer who taught history, a century-and-a-half ago. Other compilers include...
Pocket Guide to Herbal Medicine
Pocket Guide to Herbal Medicine
The use of medicinal plants to treat everyday complaints and illnesses is becoming ever more popular. This pocket guide is aimed not only at doctors and members of the various healing professions interested in phytotherapy, but also in particular at interested lay people, for whom this book is intended as a...
Design for Embedded Image Processing on FPGAs
Design for Embedded Image Processing on FPGAs

Dr Donald Bailey starts with introductory material considering the problem of embedded image processing, and how some of the issues may be solved using parallel hardware solutions. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are introduced as a technology that provides flexible, fine-grained hardware that can readily exploit parallelism within...

The Engaging Leader: Winning with Today's Free Agent Workforce
The Engaging Leader: Winning with Today's Free Agent Workforce
During the summer of 1999, I was reading about the collapse of the Colorado Rockies baseball team under manager Jim Leyland. Leyland came to Colorado as a high-priced savior, but he and the team never meshed. Things got so bad that he announced his resignation before the first season was over. This came as a mystery to the...
Mathematical Structures for Computer Science
Mathematical Structures for Computer Science
Discrete structures plays an ever more prominent role in computer science education. Computing Curricula 2001 (CC2001) was a joint undertaking of the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers/Computer Society (IEEE/CS) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The final report may be found at...
100 Great Marketing Ideas (100 Great Ideas)
100 Great Marketing Ideas (100 Great Ideas)
IF YOU PICKED this book up, you are probably looking for some new ideas. You might be a marketer yourself, you might be an entrepreneur or small business person, or you might just want to be able to drop in a few good ideas at the next meeting. This book will help with any of those aims.

Marketing is, above
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