 Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel(TM): Updated for Office 2007 (Book Only)
Data Analysis with Microsoft® Excel: Updated for Offi ce 2007® harnesses
the power of Excel and transforms it into a tool for learning basic statistical
analysis. Students learn statistics in the context of analyzing data. We feel
that it is important for students to work with real data, analyzing real-world
problems,... |  |  Business
Ideal for users studying business and key practices, BUSINESS, 11E is a best-selling introductory text featuring current, comprehensive survey of the functional areas of business: management, marketing, accounting, finance, and information technology. Core topics include ethics and social responsibility, small business concerns, and global... |  |  |
 Building Application Servers (SIGS: Advances in Object Technology)
You've read everything you can find about middleware, CORBA, transaction
monitors, message brokers, enterprise JavaBeans, and other distributed
technologies. Now it's time to put them to work. Time to build
your company's first multi-tiered application. But where do you start?
How do you structure the programs? How... |  |  Technical Writing for Success
Taking an applied approach to teaching workplace writing, TECHNICAL WRITING FOR SUCCESS 3E is a comprehensive text designed to focus on skills that employers demand in today's workplace--thinking, listening, composing, revising, and editing. Students are encouraged to acquire many workplace skills through integrated and applied... |  |  Survey of Accounting (Available Titles Cengagenow)
Survey of Accounting, Fifth Edition, is designed for a one-term introductory
accounting course. It provides an overview of the basic
topics in financial and managerial accounting, without the extraneous
accounting principles topics that must be skipped or otherwise
modified to fit into a one-term course. Written for students... |
 |  |  Specifying Software: A Hands-On Introduction
This book was written to support a short course in the second or third year of
an undergraduate computer science, software engineering, or software design
program. The prerequisites are fairly modest: some programming experience
(ideally in С or С++ or a related language such as Java) and some exposure
to the most basic... |  |  |
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