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The CERT Guide to Insider Threats: How to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Information Technology Crimes
The CERT Guide to Insider Threats: How to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Information Technology Crimes

Since 2001, the CERT® Insider Threat Center at Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has collected and analyzed information about more than seven hundred insider cyber crimes, ranging from national security espionage to theft of trade secrets. The CERT® Guide to Insider...

Essential Skills for the Agile Developer: A Guide to Better Programming and Design
Essential Skills for the Agile Developer: A Guide to Better Programming and Design

Agile has become today’s dominant software development paradigm, but agile methods remain difficult to measure and improve. Essential Skills for the Agile Developer fills this gap from the bottom up, teaching proven techniques for assessing and optimizing both individual and team agile practices.


Services Marketing: Managing the Service Value Chain
Services Marketing: Managing the Service Value Chain
zIn both business and practice, services have become the most discussed goods category. Today, many services markets are extremely dynamic, for several reasons. The banking and airlines industries are heavily affected by the movement towards globalisation, for example. A second group of service industries are being liberalised,...
Practical Financial Management (with Thomson ONE - Business School Edition 6-Month Printed Access Card)
Practical Financial Management (with Thomson ONE - Business School Edition 6-Month Printed Access Card)

The fifth edition of Practical Financial Management is the latest milestone in a 35-year journey in education that began when I was a corporate executive teaching finance as an adjunct professor.

Not long after starting down that road I realized that I might be able to improve on the approach taken by most finance texts. It

Small Signal Audio Design
Small Signal Audio Design

Small Signal Audio Design is a unique guide to the design of high-quality circuitry for preamplifiers, mixing consoles, and a host of other signal-processing devices. Learn to use inexpensive and readily available parts to obtain state-of-the-art performance in all the vital parameters of noise, distortion, crosstalk and so on....

English Grammar For Dummies
English Grammar For Dummies
When you’re a grammarian, people react to you in interesting — and sometimes downright strange — ways. When the first edition of English Grammar For Dummies came out in 2001, an elderly man asked me about something that had puzzled him for eight decades: Why did his church, St. Paul’s, include an...
Database System Concepts
Database System Concepts

Database System Concepts, 5/e, is intended for a first course in databases at the junior or senior undergraduate, or first-year graduate, level. In addition to basic material for a first course, the text contains advanced material that can be used for course supplements, or as introductory material for an advanced course.


Essential Maple 7
Essential Maple 7

This book provides an accelerated introduction to Maple for scientific programmers who already have experience in other computer languages (such as C, Pascal, or FORTRAN). It gives an overview of the most commonly used constructs and an elementary introduction to Maple programming. The new edition is substantially updated throughout. In...

Advanced Calculus Demystified
Advanced Calculus Demystified

Your INTEGRAL tool for mastering ADVANCED CALCULUS

Interested in going further in calculus but don't where to begin? No problem! With Advanced Calculus Demystified, there's no limit to how much you will learn.

Beginning with an overview of functions of multiple variables and their...

Presentation Skills For Managers
Presentation Skills For Managers

This reader-friendly series is must read for all levels of managers

All managers, whether brand-new to their positions or well established in the corporate hierarchy, can use a little brushing-up now and then. The skills-based Briefcase Books Series is filled with ideas and strategies to help managers become more capable,...

The Manager's Guide to Effective Meetings
The Manager's Guide to Effective Meetings

Now translated into 11 languages! This reader-friendly, icon-rich series is must reading for all managers at every level

All managers, whether brand new to their positions or well established in the corporate heirarchy, can use a little "brushing up" now and then. The skills-based Briefcase Books series is filled...

C++ Primer (5th Edition)
C++ Primer (5th Edition)

Bestselling Programming Tutorial and Reference Completely Rewritten for the New C++11 Standard

Fully updated and recast for the newly released C++11 standard, this authoritative and comprehensive introduction to C++ will help you to learn the language fast, and to use it in modern, highly effective ways....

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