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Critical Thinking: A Student's Introduction
Critical Thinking: A Student's Introduction
The first edition of Critical Thinking: A Student’s Introduction grew out of our conviction that a critical thinking text that works—that produces real, measurable improvement in students’ critical reasoning skills—must have two essential features:

• It must be a text that our
Reliability Modeling, Analysis And Optimization
Reliability Modeling, Analysis And Optimization

As our modern information-age society grows in complexity both in terms of embedded systems and applications, the problems and challenges in reliability become ever more complex. Bringing together many of the leading experts in the field, this volume presents a broad picture of current research on system modeling and optimization in...

Barrier Systems for Environmental Contaminant Containment and Treatment
Barrier Systems for Environmental Contaminant Containment and Treatment

Containment and permeable reactive barriers have come full circle as an acceptable environmental control technology during the past 30 years. As interest shifted back toward containment in the 1990s, the industry found itself relying largely on pre-1980s technology. Fortunately, in the past 10 years important advances have occurred in several...

Handbook of Boolean Algebras, Volume 2
Handbook of Boolean Algebras, Volume 2

This Handbook treats those parts of the theory of Boolean algebras of most interest to pure mathematicians: the set-theoretical abstract theory and applications and relationships to measure theory, topology, and logic. It is divided into two parts (published in three volumes). Part I (volume 1) is a comprehensive, self-contained introduction...

The Investigation of Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms
The Investigation of Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms

A range of alternative mechanisms can usually be postulated for most organic chemical reactions, and identification of the most likely requires detailed investigation. Investigation of Organic Reactions and their Mechanisms will serve as a guide for the trained chemist who needs to characterise an organic chemical reaction and investigate its...

Solid/Liquid Separation: Scale-up of Industrial Equipment
Solid/Liquid Separation: Scale-up of Industrial Equipment

This book identifies test procedures used within sectors of the solid/liquid separation equipment industry, providing practical explanations for test data and their uses when faced with a new application to assess. With a strong practical emphasis, this book is ideal for use as a reference text for engineers concerned with applications...

Statistical Methods in Analytical Chemistry (Chemical Analysis: A Series of Monographs on Analytical Chemistry and Its Applications)
Statistical Methods in Analytical Chemistry (Chemical Analysis: A Series of Monographs on Analytical Chemistry and Its Applications)

This new edition of a successful, bestselling book continues to provide you with practical information on the use of statistical methods for solving real-world problems in complex industrial environments. Complete with examples from the chemical and pharmaceutical laboratory and manufacturing areas, this thoroughly updated book clearly...

Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
Discrete Mathematics and its Applications

Discrete Mathematics and its Applications is a focused introduction to the primary themes in a discrete mathematics course, as introduced through extensive applications, expansive discussion, and detailed exercise sets. These themes include mathematical reasoning, combinatorial analysis, discrete structures, algorithmic thinking, and enhanced...

The Black Death (Great Historic Disasters)
The Black Death (Great Historic Disasters)
In 1346, Europe was hit by the worst natural disaster in its recorded history: the Black Death. Generally believed to be a combination of bubonic plague and two other plague strains, the Black Death ravaged the length and breadth of Europe from Sicily to Norway, from Ireland to Russia, for five terrible years. Scholars can...
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: Emerging Technologies and Applications (Sustainable World)
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: Emerging Technologies and Applications (Sustainable World)

The next several years will see a massive emergence of hydrogen fuel cells as an alterative energy option in both transportation and domestic use. The long-range expectation is that hydrogen will be used as a fuel, produced either from renewable energy, fossil, or nuclear sources, offering an environmentally acceptable and efficient source of...

Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Residues (Studies in Environmental Science)
Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Residues (Studies in Environmental Science)
The International Ash Working Group (IAWG) was established in 1989 to conduct an in-depth review of the existing scientific data and develop a state-of-knowledge treatise on MSW incinerator residue characterisation, disposal, treatment and utilisation. The topics of operator and worker health and safety, and health risk assessment...
Writing for Digital Media
Writing for Digital Media
In the digital age, we are all consumers and producers, readers and publishers alike. The Internet has made it possible for anyone to publish his or her writing online almost instantaneously for all the world to read.

The evolution of digital media has introduced both unprecedented challenges and opportunities for
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