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Digital Art Photography For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Digital Art Photography For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
So you’ve made the jump to digital photography and you’re having a ball with your new camera, right? Now, you’re wondering just what it would take to make your photos a little more than just snapshots. Well, Digital Art Photography For Dummies is a great place to find out!

You’ll not only discover great new...

Oracle SQL : Jumpstart with Examples
Oracle SQL : Jumpstart with Examples
One comes across very few books that make a significant difference in your fundamental understanding of the subject. This is one such book if you want to understand a core database skill SQL. This book deserves a place in your library and you will find it a great reference not only for learning SQL but also for learning data relationships, data...
UNIX Power Tools, Second Edition
UNIX Power Tools, Second Edition
Ideal for UNIX users who hunger for technical -- yet accessible -- information,
UNIX Power Tools, 2nd Edition, consists of tips, tricks, concepts, and freeware (CD-ROM included). It also covers add-on utilities and how to take advantage of clever features in the most popular UNIX utilities.

Loaded with even more
Beginning SQL Server 2005 for Developers: From Novice to Professional
Beginning SQL Server 2005 for Developers: From Novice to Professional
Beginning SQL Server 2005 for Developers is for those people who see themselves as becoming
either developers, database administrators, or a mixture of both but have yet to tread that path
with SQL Server 2005. Whether you have no knowledge of databases, or have knowledge of
desktop databases such as MS Access, or even come from a
Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with VB 2005: From Novice to Professional
Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with VB 2005: From Novice to Professional

It has been my experience as a Visual Basic trainer that most people do not have trouble picking up the syntax of the language. What perplexes and frustrates many people are the higher-level concepts of object-oriented programming methodology and design. To compound the problem, most introductory programming books and training...

Java and SOAP
Java and SOAP
Java™ and SOAP provides Java developers with an in-depth look at SOAP (the Simple
Object Access Protocol). Of course, it covers the basics: what SOAP is, why it's soared to
a spot on the Buzzwords' Top Ten list, and what its features and capabilities are. And it shows
you how to work with some of the more common Java APIs in
Integrated It Project Management: A Model-Centric Approach
Integrated It Project Management: A Model-Centric Approach
This book is a compilation ofmyextensive project management, enterprise
architecture, and applications development knowledge, skills, and industry
experiences gained during my 28 years as an information technology (IT)
professional in Canada and the United States. It is not intended to be another
theoretical book on project
Oracle 9iAS Portal Bible
Oracle 9iAS Portal Bible
If Oracle9iAS Portal can do it, you can do it too … Oracle's revamped, browser-based technology for information portals delivers everything you need to create a complete information portal, which can include forms, charts, reports, content collections, and a variety of information from the Web. And this authoritative reference provides all...
Flexible Neuro-Fuzzy Systems : Structures, Learning and Performance Evaluation
Flexible Neuro-Fuzzy Systems : Structures, Learning and Performance Evaluation
Over the last decade fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic introduced in 1965 by
Lotfi Zadeh [113] have been used in a wide range of problem domains
including process control, image processing, pattern recognition and
classification, management, economics and decision making. Specific
applications include washing-machine automation,
Embedded Computing : A VLIW Approach to Architecture, Compilers and Tools
Embedded Computing : A VLIW Approach to Architecture, Compilers and Tools
Embedded Computing is enthralling in its clarity and exhilarating in its scope. If the technology you are working on is associated with VLIWs or "embedded computing", then clearly it is imperative that you read this book. If you are involved in computer system design or programming, you must still read this book, because it will take you...
Starting Electronics, Third Edition
Starting Electronics, Third Edition
A practical how-to guide to electronics construction and the design of simple circuits

Starting Electronics is unrivalled as a highly practical introduction for hobbyists, students and technicians. Keith Brindley introduces readers to the functions of the main component types, their uses, and the basic principles of building and
Java Performance Tuning
Java Performance Tuning
No matter what language they're programming in, developers always wish things would run faster! Especially when writing mission-critical applications, no one wants to be limited by the programming environment.
Java Performance Tuning provides all the details you need to know to "performance tune" any type of Java program
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