With scores of step-by-step solutions, this cookbook helps you work with VMware ESXi in a wide range of network environments. You’ll not only learn the basics—how to pool resources from hardware servers, computer clusters, networks, and storage, and then distribute them among virtual machines—but also how to...
Concepts of Modern Mathematics began as an extramural course
nowadays we would say 'continuing education—taught at Warwick
University in 1971. Several dozen citizens of Coventry, ranging
from school students to a retired automotive engineer, gathered for
two hours every week to grapple with what was then called...
It was with great pleasure that I accepted the invitation of Springer to edit
this book.My association with the vascular endothelium covers a large part of
my scientific career and, as with any good long-standing relationship, it has
had moments of great excitement and periods of laborious construction. It
has sometimes been...
This book/lecture is intended for a college freshman level class in problem solving, where the particular problems deal with electrical and electronic circuits. It can also be used in a junior/senior level class in high school to teach circuit analysis. The basic problem-solving paradigm used in this book is that of resolution of a problem...
This book is the result of a series of lectures on linear algebra and the geometry of multidimensional spaces given in the 1950s through 1970s by Igor R. Shafarevich at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University.
Notes for some of these lectures were preserved in the faculty library, and these were used...
In the western world, the prevalence of allergy and asthma has increased two- to threefold over the last 40 years and has reached epidemic proportions. This book represents the first complete document containing recommendations on the prevention of allergy and allergic asthma based on the current understanding of the immunological mechanisms...
I often thought of this mantra during my on-call nights when, as a Stanford sleep
medicine fellow, I was awakened from sleep by a technologist informing me that
one of the clinic patients had repetitive obstructive apneas with significant oxygen
desaturations. The technologist would typically ask, “can I start the patient on...
Learning and performing is a subject that has profound influence on our results and actions as it cuts across all fields of study. While performing is about meeting the demands placed upon us, learning expanding the capacity for future demands. Everyday successes and failures are primarily due to the way we learn and perform. More than just...
Selenium is a contradictory nutrient. It has been called the essential poison—too
much of it in the diet can be toxic; too little can result in chronic, and sometimes
fatal, deficiency. Even health authorities have at times been confused. Although
today in the USA, as in most other countries, selenium appears among the trace...
This handbook accompanies the first edition of our text Pediatric
Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. The purpose
of the handbook is to provide an on-the-spot summary of the
clinical problem for the student, resident, or clinician. The handbook
does not replace the text. Rather, it addresses the need for
a more...
The availability of increased computational power and the proliferation of the Internet
have facilitated the production and distribution of unauthorized copies of
multimedia information. As a result, the problem of copyright protection has attracted
the interest of the worldwide scientific and business communities. The most...
The first all-in-one reference for the beet-sugar industry
Beet-Sugar Handbook is a practical and concise reference for technologists, chemists, farmers, and research personnel involved with the beet-sugar industry. It covers:
* Basics of beet-sugar technology
* Sugarbeet farming
* Sugarbeet...