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The Art of Community: Building the New Age of Participation
The Art of Community: Building the New Age of Participation

Online communities provide a wide range of opportunities for supporting a cause, marketing a product or service, or building open source software. The Art of Community helps you recruit members, motivate them, and manage them as active participants. Author Jono Bacon offers experiences and observations from his 14-year effort...

Support of the Acutely Failing Liver, 2nd Edition (Tissue Engineering Intelligence Unit)
Support of the Acutely Failing Liver, 2nd Edition (Tissue Engineering Intelligence Unit)

Severe liver dysfunction results in massive physiologic derangement and high mortality. A concerted multidisciplinary effort is needed to support patients with severe acute liver failure (SALF) and treat them appropriately. This requires mobilization of significant resources. There is a need to put in place clinical teams to provide...

Pa-Kua: Chinese Boxing for Fitness & Self-Defense
Pa-Kua: Chinese Boxing for Fitness & Self-Defense

Originally published in 1967, Pa-Kua was the West’s first look into the esoteric Chinese martial arts. It has been a valued and sought after text ever since. It was put out of print in the 1970s, but since that time interest in the martial arts have continued to skyrocket. Pa-Kua gives an introduction to the little known...

Integrating Employee Health: A Model Program for NASA
Integrating Employee Health: A Model Program for NASA
The American workforce is changing, creating new challenges for employers to provide occupational health services to meet the needs of employees. First, a shift from manufacturing to services, knowledgecentered, and mobile work has changed the focus of occupational health from physical injury and exposure-related illness...
Handbook of RF and Microwave Power Amplifiers (The Cambridge RF and Microwave Engineering Series)
Handbook of RF and Microwave Power Amplifiers (The Cambridge RF and Microwave Engineering Series)
In 1989, I was responsible for organizing a workshop at the European Microwave Conference on High-Power Solid State Amplifiers. This workshop proved popular and so Artech House asked me to persuade the speakers to turn their material into a formsuitable for publication, the result was the book entitled “High-Power GaAs FET...
Quality of Life: Assessment, Analysis, and Interpretation
Quality of Life: Assessment, Analysis, and Interpretation

'Winner of first prize in the Basis of Medicine Category of the BMA Medical Book Competition 2001'

The One Essential Comprehensive Volume on Quality of Life Research. Quality of life studies are now an essential part of the evaluation of any treatment. Written by two authors who are well respected within this...

Build Your Own ASP.NET Website Using C# & VB.NET
Build Your Own ASP.NET Website Using C# & VB.NET

A tutorial style book for absolute beginners that walks readers through an introduction to databases and programming concepts and then shows them how to build practical applications using Microsoft's technology.

Build Your Own ASP.NET Website Using C# & VB.NET guides readers through obtaining, installing...

The Poison Paradox: Chemicals As Friends and Foes
The Poison Paradox: Chemicals As Friends and Foes
To appreciate the dangers and the risks from chemicals of all kinds it is necessary to understand how, when and why they are toxic. This falls within the field of toxicology and is what this book is all about.

I was encouraged to write the book by Dr John Emsley, who is well known for his popular science books on
Freedom from Addiction: The Secret Behind Successful Addiction Busting
Freedom from Addiction: The Secret Behind Successful Addiction Busting

IF YOU are becoming worried about an aspect of your own behaviour - maybe you no longer feel totally in control of it, or are concerned about the health implications, or the fact that it takes up so much of your time and money - and you've decided that you want to do something about it, this book will help you.

You might

Head and Neck Manifestations of Systemic Disease
Head and Neck Manifestations of Systemic Disease
In thinking about a contribution we could make to the modern practice of medicine that had not yet been achieved by others, we remembered what constituted the complete physician at the time of Sir William Osler: A working knowledge of multiple disciplines and of disease processes that affect many organ systems. This was perhaps...
New Trends of Surgery for Cerebral Stroke and its Perioperative Management (Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement)
New Trends of Surgery for Cerebral Stroke and its Perioperative Management (Acta Neurochirurgica Supplement)

In July 2004 specialists in neurosurgery, neuroradiology, neurology and neurointensive care discussed recent trends at the 2nd Swiss Japanese Joint Conference on Cerebral Stroke Surgery, held in Zurich, Switzerland. New concepts were worked out during the conference and are published in this volume. The book starts with the topic intracranial...

Neonatology : Management, Procedures, On-Call Problems, Diseases, Drugs (LANGE Clinical Science)
Neonatology : Management, Procedures, On-Call Problems, Diseases, Drugs (LANGE Clinical Science)

Practical and easily accessible manual on the basic and advanced management of the neonate. Covers procedures, disorders, and neonatal pharmacology in a logical outline approach that highlights the essentials of each procedure. The popular On Call Problems section presents over 30 common and serious patient problems. The Fifth Edition has...

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