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First Aid for the USMLE Step 1: 2008 (First Aid USMLE)
First Aid for the USMLE Step 1: 2008 (First Aid USMLE)

With the 2008 edition of First Aid for the® USMLE Step 1, we continue our commitment to providing students with the most useful and up-to-date preparation guide for the USMLE Step 1. This edition represents a major revision in many ways and includes:

A revised and updated exam preparation guide for the USMLE Step 1.

The Esoteric Investor: Alternative Investments for Global Macro Investors
The Esoteric Investor: Alternative Investments for Global Macro Investors

Massive demographic, environmental, economic, and regulatory shifts are generating huge new investment opportunities with an exceptionally high probability of success over the coming years and decades. In The Esoteric Investor, a world-class portfolio manager identifies these investments, and shows how your best...


What is superconductivity? How was it discovered? What are the properties of superconductors, how are they applied now, and how are they likely to become widely used in the near future? These are just some of the questions which this important book sets out to answer. Starting with the discovery of superconductivity over ninety years ago, the...

Healing Logics: Culture and Medicine in Modern Health Belief Systems
Healing Logics: Culture and Medicine in Modern Health Belief Systems

Scholars in folklore and anthropology are more directly involved in various aspects of medicine—such as medical education, clinical pastoral care, and negotiation of transcultural issues—than ever before. Old models of investigation that artificially isolated "folk medicine," "complementary and alternative...

Pro WPF 4.5 in VB: Windows Presentation Foundation in .NET 4.5
Pro WPF 4.5 in VB: Windows Presentation Foundation in .NET 4.5
The Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a modern graphical display system for Windows. It’s a radical change from the technologies that came before it, with innovative features such as built-in hardware acceleration and resolution independence, both of which you’ll explore in this chapter.

WPF is the
DC Power System Design for Telecommunications (IEEE Telecommunications Handbook Series)
DC Power System Design for Telecommunications (IEEE Telecommunications Handbook Series)

Straightforward, systematic approach for designing reliable dc power systems for telecommunications

Here is a must-have resource for anyone responsible for designing, installing, and maintaining telecommunications systems. The text explains how to design direct current (dc) power systems that operate at nominal voltages of 24

The Physiological Bases of Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders
The Physiological Bases of Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders

Up to twenty percent of the American population suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder, and cross-national studies suggest a high prevalence of such disorders elsewhere. In recent decades, advances in our knowledge of the brain are causing us to question many of the theories underlying traditional approaches to diagnosing and treating...

Topics In Probability
Topics In Probability
In this monograph we treat some topics that have been of some importance and interest in probability theory. These include, in particular, analytic characteristic functions, the moment problem, infinitely divisible and self-decomposable distributions.

Recent research in probability has been concerned with applications such...

Genetics in Ophthalmology (Developments in Ophthalmology) (v. 37)
Genetics in Ophthalmology (Developments in Ophthalmology) (v. 37)

The objective of this publication is to enhance mutual understanding and communication between ophthalmologists, molecular geneticists, genetic counselors and biomedical researchers. In the introductory chapter, current genetic paradigms and experimental genetic approaches relevant to the nature of hereditary disorders are discussed. The...

Professional Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2012
Professional Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2012
OVER THE LAST FIFTEEN YEARS, Microsoft’s software development tooling has matured to address not only the needs of a lone programmer, but the needs of an entire software development team. This includes business analysts, project managers, architects, testers, programmers, managers, stakeholders, and even operations personnel...
Uncertainty Theory: A Branch of Mathematics for Modeling Human Uncertainty (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Uncertainty Theory: A Branch of Mathematics for Modeling Human Uncertainty (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Some information and knowledge are usually represented by human language like “about 100km”, “approximately 39 ?C”, “roughly 80kg”, “low speed”, “middle age”, and “big size”. Perhaps some people think that they are subjective probability or they are fuzziness....
Comprehensive Enzyme Kinetics
Comprehensive Enzyme Kinetics

Welcome to your study of enzyme kinetics, the subject that underlies all enzymology, which in turn underlies all aspects of biochemistry. This text will give you an introduction to a wide range of topics that constitute the modern enzyme kinetics. This textbook is directed at graduate students in biochemistry, chemistry, and life sciences,...

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