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PC Hardware Tuning & Acceleration
PC Hardware Tuning & Acceleration
From choosing overclocking tools and setting the optimal mode to allowing the fulfillment of the potential of a PC's components, this reference discusses solutions to the problem of computers not performing well enough to accommodate requested tasks.

Sooner or later, every computer user runs into the problem of the computer not being able...

Windows .NET Server 2003 Registry
Windows .NET Server 2003 Registry

Provides a historical overview of the Registry and outlines the differences between Windows 9x/ME and Windows NT/2000/XP/.NET Registries.

Enabling system, network, and security administrators to master Registry concepts and architecture, this book provides a historical overview of the Registry and outlines the differences...

Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era
Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era
This book covers all key subject areas of the Information Society an presents innovative business models, case studies, normative theories and social explanations.

The advent of the Information Society is marked by the explosive penetration of information technologies in all aspects of life and by a related fundamental transformation in
Business Continuity Planning and HIPAA: Business Continuity Management in the Health Care Environment
Business Continuity Planning and HIPAA: Business Continuity Management in the Health Care Environment
This book includes the precautions and procedures that address the concerns of HIPAA, but presents them along with other business components in order to emphasize the need for a holistic approach when constructing and maintaining a business plan.

This book examines business continuity planning as adapted to encompass the requirements of...

Windows .NET Server 2003 Domains & Active Directory
Windows .NET Server 2003 Domains & Active Directory
This reference covers all main system tools and program methods used for routine Active Directory administration and troubleshooting.

Intended for system administrators with a general knowledge of Windows 2000 or Windows XP/.NET, this reference covers all main system tools and program methods used for routine Active Directory...

Property and Casualty Insurance License Exam Cram
Property and Casualty Insurance License Exam Cram
If you are preparing for a career in property and casualty insurance, you need to pick up a copy of Property and Casualty Insurance License Exam Cram. You will quickly learn the concepts, laws, rate calculations and state and federal regulations that will be covered on the exam. You'll also receive a CD that...
Creative Projects with Logic Audio
Creative Projects with Logic Audio

Whether you are interested in composing soundtracks, jingles, or just some catchy tunes, author Keith Gemmell will help you develop the skills you need to get the most out of your software. Test your developing skills along the way as you complete projects such as building assigned compositions from scratch, editing your audio,...

Biometrics for Network Security
Biometrics for Network Security

The complete guide to implementing biometric security solutions for your network

Network security has become the latter-day equivalent of oxymoronic terms like "jumbo shrimp" and "exact estimate." Newspaper headlines are routinely peppered with incidents of hackers thwarting the security put forth by...

Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++
Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++

Why do we feel a need to write a book about pattern recognition when many excellent books are already available on this classical topic? The answer lies in the depth of our coverage of neural networks as natural pattern classifiers and clusterers. Artificial neural network computing has emerged as an extremely active research area with a central...

Current Security Management & Ethical Issues of Information Technology
Current Security Management & Ethical Issues of Information Technology
This scholarly examination of the ethical issues in information technology management covers basic details such as improving user education and developing security requirements as well as more complicated and far-reaching problems.

Corporate and individual behaviors are increasingly publicized as reports of scandals around the world are...

Going Virtual: Distributed Communities of Practice
Going Virtual: Distributed Communities of Practice
This text describes how more subtle kinds of knowledge can be managed in a distributed international environment. It also describes work in the field of knowledge management, with a specific focus on the management of knowledge .

Going Virtual: Distributed Communities of Practice contributes to the understanding of how more...

Object Technology: A Manager's Guide (2nd Edition)
Object Technology: A Manager's Guide (2nd Edition)
The first edition of Object Technology: A Manager's Guide is widely viewed as the classic introduction to this powerful computing concept. Object technology offers increased agility, significant time-to-market reduction, and the opportunity to exploit the potential of the World Wide Web by deploying globally distributed...
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