 |  |  Atlas of Organ Transplantation
This book-DVD presents a picture and video atlas of organ transplantation that provides a unique and complete presentation of procedures performed by transplant surgeons today. The emphasis is on contemporary procedures, as the field has undergone significant surgical innovation in the last five to ten years. Detailed schematic diagrams and... |  |  An Atlas of Sarcoidosis
- Comprehensive illustrative encyclopedia containg many rare images
- Includes clinical analysis for the physician
- Designed to complement and provide a visual supplement to already existing texts on sarcoidosis
- Only atlas of sarcoidosis which reviews the multisystmeic nature of sarcoidosis on the context... |
 Manage Partitions with GParted How-to
Modern disk drives can store vast amounts of information. To effectively use all of this space, you can partition disk drives into separate storage areas. These separate storage areas enable you to organize your data, improve system performance, and install and use many operating systems
"Manage Partitions with GParted"... |  |  Learn Lua for iOS Game Development
Apple has been issuing checks to developers, and the 2012 figures indicate that it has so far been
to the tune of $5 billion. In the past, it used to be desktops with Microsoft-based products that were
raking in money for developers, with Visual Basic, or earlier with database products such as dBase
and FoxPro. While the major share... |  |  Startup: An Insider's Guide to Launching and Running a Business
“If I was going to start a new business today I would be sure to study and pay close attention to Kevin Ready’s new book, Startup. His wisdom, experience, and his self-effacing and honest writing make this a real gem for aspiring entrepreneurs and business people of all kinds.”
—Bob Beaudine,... |
 Coding Interviews: Questions, Analysis & Solutions
This book is about coding interview question of software and Internet companies. It covers five key factors which determine performance of candidates: (1) the basics of programming languages, data structures and algorithms, (2) approaches to writing code with high quality, (3) tips to solve difficult problems, (4) methods to optimize code,... |  |  101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions
In the nearly seventeen years since I wrote the first edition of 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions, its relevance to an ever-changing job market has continued to grow. That market has certainly changed—from a seller’s (employee-friendly) market to a buyer’s (employer-friendly) market and back again. But the... |  |  Manual of Neurologic Therapeutics Seventh Edition
Once the last bastion of therapeutic nihilism, neurology has now clearly entered the era of intense therapy for virtually every class of disease that affects the nervous system. Consequently, the modern neurology department is now subdivided into a dozen clinical subspecialties, each with its own group of experts, often ... |
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