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Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 (5th Edition)
Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 (5th Edition)

This book explains and demonstrates the fundamentals of the EJB 3.0 and Java Persistence programming models. Although EJB makes application development much simpler, it is still a complex technology that requires a great deal of time and study to master. This book provides a straightforward, no-nonsense explanation of the...

Designing Distributed Learning Environments with Intelligent Software Agents
Designing Distributed Learning Environments with Intelligent Software Agents
This book benefits the AI (artificial intelligence) and educational communities in their research and development, offering new and interesting research issues surrounding the development of distributed learning environments in the Semantic Web age.

With the rapid development of computer network and information technologies, especially
Essential Blogging : Selecting and Using Weblog Tools
Essential Blogging : Selecting and Using Weblog Tools

With weblogs-or "blogs"-exploding all over the Web, the only thing lacking for power users and developers is detailed advice on how choose, install, and run blogging software. Written by leading bloggers, Essential Blogging includes practical advice and insider tips on the features,...

Wireless Communication Systems: Advanced Techniques for Signal Reception
Wireless Communication Systems: Advanced Techniques for Signal Reception

A unified framework for using today's most advanced signal processing techniques

Driven by the rapidly escalating capacity demands of emerging wireless systems, researchers havedeveloped a wide array of novel signal processing techniques for use in such systems. Now, twoleading researchers synthesize the field's vast new...

The DAM Book : Digital Asset Management for Photographers
The DAM Book : Digital Asset Management for Photographers

Can you find your digital photographs when you need them, or do you spend more time rifling through your hard drive and file cabinets than you'd like? Do you have a system for assigning and tracking content data on your photos? If you make a living as a photographer, do your images bear your copyright and contact...

Disassembling Code : IDA Pro and SoftICE
Disassembling Code : IDA Pro and SoftICE
Emphasizing the analysis of software code and identifying the main structure of languages in which they were written, this real-world text covers various aspects of disassembling, analyzing, and debugging software code.

This book describes how software code analysis tools such as IDA Pro are used to disassemble programs written in...

Flash 8 Cookbook
Flash 8 Cookbook

This practical, nuts-and-bolts toolkit puts theory into practice with ready-made answers to common Flash development questions. It's the perfect resource for Flash developers, as well as designers who are ready to start doing development work.

Flash 8 Cookbook offers quick look-up (and
Mastering C# Database Programming
Mastering C# Database Programming
Enter a New World of Database Programming

C# and ADO.NET facilitate the development of a new generation of database applications, including remote applications that run on the Web. Mastering C# Database Programming is the resource you need to thrive in this new world. Assuming
Perl Medic : Transforming Legacy Code
Perl Medic : Transforming Legacy Code
Bring new power, performance, and scalability to your existing Perl code!

Today's Perl developers spend 60-80% of their time working with existing Perl code. Now, there's a start-to-finish guide to understanding that code, maintaining it, updating it, and refactoring it for maximum performance and reliability. Peter J. Scott, lead author of...

Security+ Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram SYO-101)
Security+ Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram SYO-101)

The Security+ certification is CompTIA's answer to the market's need for a baseline, vendor-neutral security certification. The IT industry recognizes there is a need to better train, staff, and empower those tasked with designing and implementing information security, and Security+ is an effort to meet this demand. Security+ will become the...

XPath Kick Start : Navigating XML with XPath 1.0 and 2.0
XPath Kick Start : Navigating XML with XPath 1.0 and 2.0
 XPath Kick Start provides the fastest path to productivity with XPath, and is fully up to date with the most recent XPath specification. Award-winning author Steven Holzner speeds through the basics so you'll be an XPath expert in no time. You'll master the XPath syntax and data model and understand the features of XPath 2.0, including new...
Practical RDF
Practical RDF
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a structure for describing and interchanging metadata on the Web. Practical RDF explains RDF from the ground up, providing real-world examples and descriptions of how the technology is being used in applications like Mozilla, FOAF, and Chandler, as well as infrastructure...
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